H.O.H: The Missing Pieces:21:

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Please guys! Seriously vote and comment on this chapter! You all know how much I love it, and I really read every single comment! I thought I'd have more by now!


Next Sunday:

8:29 PM

"You look so pretty." I whispered, leaning over into Lauren's ear and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you." She whispered back.

"You're welcome."

"Are you nervous?" She asked, resting her head against my shoudler.

"No, are you?"

"Yes." She nodded quickly and I laughed, reaching down and took her hand.

"Don't be." I brought her hand up to my lips, kissing it before I weaved my fingers through and saw her smiling at me. "We'll be just fine, and you look stunning."

"Thank you." She whispered again and I felt the car stop.

I guess she did too, because he head snapped in the direction of all the lights - or cameras.

"Come on. It's ok. I'm right here." I told her.

She nodded, swallowing as the door opened and I held on tighter to her hand, taking both to help her out of the car.

"See, everyone is staring because you look so beautiful." I told her, pecking her cheek and saw her blush.

"I just think it's because I'm with you."

"No," I shook my head, chuckling at her and felt her other hand wrap around my arm. "It's because I'm with the prettiest girl in the world."

"I'm going to be blushing all night, aren't I?"

"Mhm." I nodded, sending a cheeky smile in her direction and led her down the carpet. "I'm proud of you. I knew you would win."

"I thought Rihanna had it."

"Nah, I knew you did."

"There you go again." She said, shaking her head and turned her face into my neck.

I knew people were already taking pictures, but for some reason I just felt like in the moment it was only me and her.

Hey, at least we could get our 'prom' pictures online.

Funny right?

"Come on. I bet Carin and Scooter are already in here. That will be a familiar face, and then we can go dance." I told her, trying to avert her attention away from the cameras as she looked around.

"Ok." She said softly and we stopped walking, taking our turn for our picture and I looked at her just as she looked at me, making sure I smiled at her and leaned in a little closer, then stopped myself.

The last thing I wanted to do was give them what thhey wanted.

She looked amazing, I just wish she saw it like I did.

I'm smiling so much my cheeks hurt, and that's because I'm finally with her, here, and she's mine.

Head Over Heels: The Missing Pieces (Justin's POV): Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now