Keeping Our Love Chapter 3

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okay so i know this chapter is kind of boring and sucky, but im sorry. im just trying to get something out there to ready. Ill try to make the next better and longer u promise

I lay on my bed all alone staring up at the ceiling. I was all alone, just me, myself, and I. Jake was taking forever to call me.I already missed Jake so much. I was really regretting my decision on getting my own place all the way in Alabama when he was in Tennessee. I sighed and rolled out of the bed. What could I do to make time past by? I walked into the kitchen and looked in the fridge for something to eat. I grabbed a yogurt and went into my room and turned on the t.v. I ended up watching The Buried Life and ended up falling asleep on it.

I woke up and realized that it was another day. I knew this because the light shining brightly through the window confirmed this. I got up and rolled out of bed. Another day ahead of searching for jobs. Fun! I got up and walked to the bathroom and into the shower.

I hopped out of the shower trying to reach my phoner. It was ringing and I wanted to get to it before it stopped. I had almost busted my ass getting out of the shower.

I ran to the dresser and oicked up the phone while wrapping towel around me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Good morning beautiful" I blushed and I was glad he wasn't here to see it.

"Good morning Sexy" I said. He laughed. " Why didn't you call me yesterday" I asked him.

"I did" he said." You must have been sleep or something" he replied.

" I miss you so much already" I told him.

"That's your fault" he replied.

"So are you saying that you don't miss me" I asked him.

"Come on you know I do" He said. I could tell that he was smiling. " What are you doing" he asked me.

"Nothing just got out the shower. I'm about to go look for jobs" I told him.

"Send me a picture" he demanded.

"Of what?" I asked.

"What the hell do you think? Of you!" he replied. I laughed.

"I don't think so! It's either the real thing or nothing" I told him.

"You are so cruel" He stated.

"No I'm not" I told him " You will be down here again this weekend so that won't be a long time and you will stay for awhile since you have the best job in the world" I stated. He laughed at me.

"Do you know how long we have until this weekend" He asked me.

"Five days" I replied.

"Exactly that's a long as time" he stated. I laughed.

"I'm sure you will get by" I told him.

"Just be ready Friday night because we are going all night long" He said singing the last three words. I laughed.

"Only if I say so" I said.

"Why are you being so mean" He asked me.

"I'm not being mean" I said as I looked for something to wear.

" Whatever just be ready because Friday night you are all mines" He said.

"We will see" I told him.

"I don't even see why we do this, because I always win" He stated. I laughed he was telling the truth. I always ended up giving in to him.

"So that doesn't matter, that was last time, this is this time." I replied.

"Yea whatever. I got to go so I'll talk to you later Okay?"

"Okay" I replied.

"I love you" he said into the receiver.

"Love you too" I said right before hanging up.

I pulled on some clothes and headed out to continue my job search.

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