Sleeping's Impossible Too [Nosh-AU]

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ap world history fuckin kicks my ass lol

this is nosh because i do what i want

sorry for being so ew


Sleeping's Impossible Too [Nosh-AU]~

Niall swears to god last time he checked he was straight.

Like, frat-boy-fucking-a-different-girl-almost-every-night kind of straight. It was one of the things he was best at, too. Getting drunk and getting girls.

That all changed when he met Josh Devine. It was in his Psychology class sophomore year of college, because even though Niall specialized in partying, he knew it could never be his profession, and dreamed of getting his PhD in psychology in the next two or three years.

They sat next to each other on the first day. Niall had never heard of this kid. Unlike Josh, who knew more about Niall than he actually cared to. Apparently no party started until Niall Horan arrived.

At first, Josh though he would be imbecilic and obnoxious. Instead he was brilliant, and stunning, and so much fun to talk to Josh couldn't believe it. Especially when Niall invited him to a party that weekend.

See, the thing about Josh was he preferred to spend his weekends focusing on his studies due to the fact he was attending the school on a scholarship, and also he didn't find parties that fun. However, he also really wanted to talk to Niall in a way that wasn't passing notes during lectures, or staying up late texting each other stupid emojis.

Maybe it had been that Niall always found Josh attractive. From the first moment he saw him he knew there was no denying that this kid was good looking, but it's not like Niall hadn't thought that about certain guys before.

That Friday, at the party Niall had convinced Josh to attend, though, the frat boy began to notice how everyone also found Josh Devine good looking. And it made him mad for some reason. Probably just because Niall wanted to get to know Josh really well before anyone else got in the way of their blossoming friendship.

Needless to say, that was the night Niall first put his arm around Josh's waist and began to call him "babe."


Over the course of the next month Niall and Josh got even closer. Josh now attended parties nearly every week (only tagging along with Niall, of course.) Niall's friends, Harry and Liam, had taken well to Josh, and Josh had even convinced his friends, Louis and Zayn, to come to a party involving more than a quarter of all the students at the university, on the Wednesday night before the first long weekend of the semester.

"I need a beer," Harry announced not four seconds after they had stepped into the fraternity. "Can I get you anything, princess?" He proceeded to waste no time hitting disgustingly on Louis.

"I can handle it myself, thanks," Louis said nonchalantly.

"Wanna dance?" Niall breathed into Josh's ear.

The shorter boy just nodded, avoiding speaking for fear he might make a fool of himself. Niall had that effect on him.

Grabbing Josh's had and leading him into another room of the house, one full of sweaty, dancing, drunk college students, Niall smoothly plastered his front to Josh back.

It's not like they hadn't grinded together before. This time was just... Different. Different in the sense that Josh thought he felt Niall's dick hard and pressing against his ass. He didn't to be sure, though, because then Niall was pulling away and demanding, "Let's go somewhere else."

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