Before You Know it [Lashton-AU]

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Luke goes to war and has to leave Ashton behind.

Before You Know It[Lashton- AU]

Ashton's POV:

"Ashton? Can I talk to you baby?" Luke asked me from the living room of our flat. I followed the sound of my boyfriend's voice and met Luke, who looked slightly discouraged.

"Hey Luke," I smiled at him, lightly kissing his lips. "What's up?"

"Well I, uh, I'm going, I got uh," Luke said nervously. "I got assigned to Iraq for work."

I stared at my boyfriend and felt my face fall.

"You're going to war again?"

He nodded. Luke hadn't been to war for years. But now he was going back?

"You have to leave me?"

Luke stepped forward and hugged me, burying his face in my shoulder. "I'm sorry baby, I have to go."

I was too shocked to hug him back. I just stood there, gaping like a fish.

"It's gonna be okay," he promised me.

"When do you have to leave?" I asked, holding back a few tears.

Luke pulled back and sighed. "Next week."

And my heart broke in two.


"I'm so sorry love," he whispered, kissing my neck. He then fiddled with something from behind his neck and handed me his dog tags. "I want you to have these,"

"Luke, I can't-"

"Ashton, keep these, please," he begged me. He pressed the chain into my palm and kissed my nose. Then he rested his forehead against mine and whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," I murmured, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"Don't cry, love, I'll be home before you know it," Luke kissed my cheek.

And then he was gone. The next week came faster than I wanted it to, and my Luke had left.

He left. I was alone. My life was so empty without Luke.

The first month was hard. The second was harder, and the third was worse. In the middle of the fourth month, I thought I wasn't going to make it through.

But then I got a Skype call.

"Ashy!!" Luke grinned right as I clicked answer.

"Oh my god, Luke!"

"How's my baby?"

"Missing you," I admitted. "More than anything."

"I miss you too, love," he grinned.

"When are you coming home?" I whined.

"I'm not sure, baby, but I hope it's soon,"

"Gosh, it's so quiet around here," I told him. "I don't have anyone to talk to," I pouted teasingly.

"Apparently I'm the loud one?" He joked.

"Yes you are," I winked.

"Was that an innuendo I caught there?"

"Yes, it was,"

"You don't know how much I miss you," Luke sighed.

"Nah, I think you just miss my dick," I poked a little fun at him.

"Ashton," he whined.

"I love you," I smiled. "So much."

"I love you too baby, I'll be home before you know it."

And then he had to go. I laid down in my bed, kissed Luke's dog tags, set them on his pillow, and managed to fall asleep without the warmth of my boyfriend.

But I waited for him. I waited for my Lukey every day, for months. I waited eight more months after that Skype call. It had been over a year; too long.

I tried to Skype him more often than he could. I called for his birthday, my birthday, our one year anniversary, and Christmas. But he couldn't answer, since he was off saving the world.

I couldn't stand being without him. My other half was missing. I called one of my best friends to think of something other than missing Luke.

"Hey Ashton, what's up?" Michael answered.

"I miss Luke too much, can we talk about something and get my mind off of him?" I asked.

"Dude, I get it, I miss Calum too." Michael's boyfriend, Calum, had gone to war as well. Michael hadn't seen Calum in almost two years with the exception of Skype calls.

"Can we catch up at a Starbucks or something?" I asked hopefully.

"Actually, I'm supposed to go to the airport. Calum is supposed to be home today!!" I could hear Michael's excitement through the phone. "Would you maybe come with me?"

I sighed. Seeing Calum and Michael reunited just might kill me, but why not be there for him. "Sure, I'll be over in twenty."

I grabbed my shoes, phone, keys, and tugged Luke's dog tags over my head. Tucking them under my shirt, I drove to Michael's.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"The question is are YOU ready?" I asked.

He could barely contain his excitement. "I think I'm gonna pee myself."

"You do that," I laughed. He drove to the airport where we waited for about two hours, trying to stay occupied on our phones.

And one by one, army men began arriving through the hallways. Families were rejoined as husbands and wives ran to hug their significant others. Children latched on to their mommy's and daddy's who they hadn't seen in years. Fathers met their new babies they'd never seen before, and everyone was a mess of tears.

"Michael!" A familiar voice called. It was Calum. His cheeks were already stained with tears as Michael stood up from his seat and ran towards his boyfriend. They were all hugs and kisses and tears and fluff and honestly made me hate being here.

I felt a tear prickle in my eye. It killed me to see other people like this, knowing I couldn't be that way.

"Ashy," I heard a voice call.

"Luke?" He wasn't supposed to be home yet! Or at least he didn't tell me! What was this!

"Ashton!" Luke said louder, running towards me.

"Luke!" I ran into his outstretched arms, cuddling into his chest.

"Ashy, I missed you so much," Luke breathed, kissing the top of my head. I pulled back to meet my tear stained eyes with his.

"Don't cry," he told me. "I told you I'd be home before you knew it,"

Luke bent down to my height and kissed me. I was a mess of tears and kisses. I couldn't get enough of Luke, and all of our kisses were short pecks right after the other.

"I love you so much," I whispered.

"I love you too," he smiled, pulling the dog tags out of my shirt and smirking at me. "You still have them,"

"You told me to keep them," I said. "I don't break my promises with you, baby."

"And I don't break mine either. I was home before you knew it."


Yeah so I like cried when I wrote this okay yeah uhm

Request one maybe if you have the time and I don't understand if you don't

Yeah. That was cute. :)


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