Brave Angels Have Lines [Larry-AU]

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hi guise :-)

Brave Angels Have Lines [Larry-AU]~

Harry sat on the couch in his living room, staring at the brown woven carpet beneath his feet. His children played in front of him, but he payed no attention. It was almost like they weren't there.

He was focused on nothing at all really, expect for a dark colored speck in the fibers of the carpet. He simply didn't care about everything taking place around him.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy," his five year old son, Zayn, pulled on his pant leg. "Daddy, look," Zayn then held out a page torn from a coloring book that he had just finished. "I drew you a picture... Daddy?" Zayn tried to get Harry's attention.

No response.

Louis soon entered the living room and took notice of the situation. He bent down and picked up his son, taking the picture. "Hey, Zee, this is pretty, I like it! Go hang it on the refrigerator, okay?"

"Okay, Papa," he giggled, bounding off to the kitchen.

Louis glanced at his husband, who was still spaced out. The only movement coming from him was his thumb slowly gliding over his wedding ring.

"Harry," Louis said gently, sitting down next to the curly haired lad. "Harry, you need to control this," he murmured, setting a hand on his back and rubbing it softly.

Harry bit his bottom lip but never changed his gaze.

"I understand that you have a problem," Louis began, still speaking quietly so their other two boys wouldn't hear, "but you're medicated. And you have a family who loves you. Your depression doesn't control you, you need to do something about this."

Harry took a deep breath and stood up. "I'm going to go lay down for a while."

So, he stood up and left the room. Louis just sighed and leaned back into the couch.

Harry had been diagnosed with moderate depression about a year ago. He had been to therapy sessions while their boys were at school and daycare, and he was given different types of medication to help regulate his mood. It had been working well, but lately, he was experiencing more mood swings. The doctor had told them it was a side affect of the new meds, but Harry was a completely different person.

"Papa, where's Daddy?" Their seven year old son, Liam, asked, climbing into Louis' lap.

"Daddy's tired," Louis quickly made up an excuse. "He's laying down, so don't go looking for him, alright?" He kissed the side of his son's brunette head and pulled him closer in his lap.

Louis watched his sons play with Power Rangers while he waited for his taller husband to come back downstairs. He cradled his youngest son, Niall, in his arms and let him play with his hair.

Louis was often worried about his husband. He never knew what his mood for the day would be, or how he would act as being a husband and a father every day.

He was also afraid of what to tell their children. Liam and Zayn had definitely caught on to the fact that their Daddy wasn't the same. Two year old Niall was too little to notice.

He bounced Niall up and down in his lap while Harry came trotting down the stairs. "Hi!" he greeted them.

Louis sighed. He probably took another dosage of his medication while he was upstairs and was in a happy mood.

"Da!" Niall squealed.

"Hi Ni," he cooed, taking his son from Louis. He kissed the side of his blonde son's head and pecked his husband's lips. Harry curled up on the couch and let Zayn crawl all over him.

"Daddy," he giggled. Liam began to lay in Harry's lap, cuddling up with his two brothers.

Louis just smiled at his family. Everyone was getting along.

Everyone was happy.

Zayn began to play with Harry's sleeves, lifting them a little too high. His face fell when he saw Harry's wrists.

"Daddy, what's on your arms?" he asked, eyes staring at the scars on his daddy's wrists.

Liam looked at Harry's wrists and then back up at Louis. "Papa, why are there lines there?"

Harry quickly shoved his sleeves back down and shook his head. Tears began to form in his eyes.

"Daddy, why are you crying?" Liam asked quietly, wiping a tear away with his tiny hand.

Harry sniffed and stood up, mumbling, "I'm gonna start dinner."

He left the living room quickly, leaving his sons with his husband.

"Papa?" Zayn asked. "Why is Daddy so sad?"

"How come he has marks on his hands?" Liam asked, settling himself into his papa's lap.

Louis took a deep breath, "Look baby," he pulled Zayn into his lap next to Liam. "Daddy... Daddy, he's an angel," he explained, feeling tears forming in his eyes. "And, he uh, he gets one line on his wrist for every year he's away from heaven. He has many lines because he's very brave," he told his sons, a tear falling down his cheek. "He's been away from heaven for a long time. He's a very good man. Be proud of your daddy, okay?"

"Okay Papa," Liam said quietly, sitting up on his knees so he could kiss Louis on the cheek. He was always more affectionate than the other boys.

Zayn stayed quiet and stared at the floor before running upstairs to the art room.

Louis tried to stop the tears and held Niall close to his chest.

"Pa," Niall yawned, starting to fall asleep on his shoulder. Louis twirled his fingers through the blonde locks at the back of his son's neck.

Liam laid his head in Louis' lap. "I love you, Papa. And Daddy. And Zee and baby Niall, too."

"I love you too, bud."

A few hours later, Harry was calling Zayn down for dinner. He bounded down the stairs, holding a picture in his hands.

"Daddy, I drew a picture!" he squealed. "Look, it's me, and Li, and baby Niall, and Papa, and there's you!"

Harry glanced at the paper. "How come I have wings?"

Zayn pointed to Harry in the family photo. "'Cause angels have wings, and Papa said you're an angel."

Harry smiled at the stick figure family where he was given a set of wings. Louis noticed his husband smiling at his Zayn's drawing.

Harry grinned at him. "You're perfect."

Louis leaned in and kissed his lips softly as ever. "Not as perfect as you, lovely."

Harry slowly recovered from his depression. His status changed from moderate to mild, making his mood bubbly and lively like it used to be.

Zayn and Liam began tracing their daddy's scars and telling him he was very brave and they were proud of him from being away from heaven for so long.

Liam asked Harry, "Daddy, how come Papa doesn't have lines?"

Louis smiled and answered for him, "It's because I'm not an angel, buddy."

"But at night time I hear Daddy calling you 'angel' really loud. And sometimes he calls you 'baby' and says bad words," he replied as sassy as a seven year old could be.

Harry blushed a dark red and Louis said, "The brave angels are the ones with lines, bud. The brave ones."


so this happened


Ashtyn shut the actual fuck up I screamed and cried and I'mm on period I am all fucking emotional I didn't need this I hate you I'm going to bed

~Ashlyn is tired xx

~*Mama Pigeon*~

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