One Less Lonely Guy? [Jiall]

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Prompt~ it's a little obvious and for all of you whack jobs out there that don't know what Jiall is it's Niall+Justin Bieber

and if you don't ship it then the door is to da left hoe


One Less Lonely Guy?[Jiall]

One Direction was casually chilling in Justin Bieber's sound check on their day off, because why not.

"Oh yeah, Justin, you sing baby," Liam teased Justin as he riffed perfectly.

Justin rolled his eyes at Liam then winked at Niall who was next to Liam. Niall just blushed and avoided his eyes from Justin's, as he'd been slightly- okay, majorly- crushing on Justin Bieber.

"Anyone wanna practice being my One Less Lonely Girl?" Justin joked. He reached his hand out and took Zayn's, who jokingly squealed and locked his wrist. Justin fake serenaded Zayn who pretended to cry.

Niall looked at Justin longingly while being jealous of Zayn. Even though the two of them were joking, he kind of wanted to be in his place.

Justin glanced towards Niall and saw him looking half upset, and instantly felt bad. Justin had been openly bi to his fans for years, but had closeted his love for Niall. He'd always loved Niall, simple as that.

Justin goofed off for the rest of sound check with the boys, pissing off his security.

"Justin! Get to work! Stop messing around!" Scooter yelled from behind the stage.

Justin ignored him and kept cracking jokes that made Niall laugh his famous laugh every time.

"Justin!" Scooter shouted, coming out on the catwalk thing that Justin was at the end of.

"Shit," Justin cursed once he actually came out. "Scooter, man, I'm working, I swear,"

"Then I better hear singing," he said sternly before giving him a lecture.

Scooter continued yelling at Justin while the five boys awkwardly sat and watched. Scooter finally left and Justin glanced at them, half smiling.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry," Justin laughed. "Man period,"

Niall burst out laughing. He always laughed at Justin's jokes.

Justin sent a wink in Niall's direction then started to actually do what Scooter told him to do. One Direction just messed around, distracting Justin every which way, causing his million dollar smile to flash at Niall. ~holy fuck that fucking rhymed im a mother fucking poet omfg~

Once Justin's sound check was over, he asked, "Do you guys wanna come take a back stage tour?"

He grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him up, leading him towards backstage so the other four would follow. Niall blushed violently and held Justin's hand in his.

Justin held Niall's hand the whole time before security told them to leave.

"Are you coming to my concert?" He asked all five boys. They shook their heads.

"Couldn't find tickets," Harry shrugged.

"Well I am Justin Bieber. I think I can get you tickets to a Justin Bieber concert," he joked.

"I would hope so," Louis said sarcastically.

"I can definitely get you tickets," Justin nodded.

"We'll be there," Zayn said. And then they left.

"Hey Ryan!" Justin called once they were gone.

"Yeah man?" Ryan Good came out from backstage.

"How would you feel about choosing a certain One Less Lonely Guy tonight?"


"You can't fly unless you let yourself, faaaaaall," Justin riffed perfectly, just like he did in his rehearsal. The audience screamed so loud, you almost couldn't hear his ending.

Justin got off of his moving platform he sung Fall on, and stood at the end of his catwalk. He glanced to his right and smiled at Niall. Justin had put the boys on the right of his catwalk where his Beliebers wouldn't see them. He had been making eye contact with the blonde boy the whole concert.

"So there's something I do every night," Justin paused while everyone screamed, because they knew what was coming. "Every night, I choose one person," More screams. "Tonight we're switching it up a bit,"

And then Ryan pushed Niall on stage.

Girls began screaming everywhere, because a) Justin had chosen a One Less Lonely Guy, b) it was a GUY, and c) it was NIALL FUCKING HORAN.

Niall was blushing and stumbled on stage, squinting under the bright lights. Justin held his hand out, grinning his flashy smile ear to ear.

"C'mon baby," Justin smirked, pulling him on stage and sitting him in the designated spot.

He began to sing, smiling the whole time. He placed both hands on Niall's knees singing right in his face. Niall wrapped his hands behind Justin's neck and blushed.

"I'm gonna put you first, I'll show you what you're worth, if you let me inside your world, there'll be One Less Lonely Guy," Justin kissed Niall's forehead. He helped him up and led him backstage where he put all of his OLLG's.

Niall bit his lip nervously while going behind the stage. "Justin?"

"Yeah baby?" Justin grinned.

"What was that?"

Justin ignored Niall and placed his lips on the Irish boy's. Niall kissed him back, while Justin tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth.

"Justie," Niall moaned, a mess of tongue and teeth.

"Go out with me," Justin breathed against Niall's lips.

Niall nodded, "Fucking yes,"

"God, you're so fucking hot," Justin slid his tongue across Niall's lips.

Niall felt Justin pull away, and opened his eyes to see him being tugged away by Kenny, his security guard.

"Justin, let's go!" He shouted.

"I'll be back after the show, okay baby?" Justin called to Niall before running on stage. Niall nodded, running his fingers over his lips.

Justin Bieber just made out with him backstage.

Justin Bieber thought he was hot.

Justin Bieber chose him.

Justin Bieber was his boyfriend.


Me and ashlyn got this idea bc we went to Justin's concert on July 6th!!!!!!!

Post concert depression sucks.




-ashtyn xxxx

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