Thinking Out Loud [Cashton-AU]

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oh hey ashtyn why didn't u update like four weeks ago like u promised

because I fucking didn't

Thinking Out Loud [Cashton-AU]

"Are you ready?" Mali questioned her little brother, tying his purple bow tie into a much neater knot after his own shaky hands had attempted a sloppy one.

Calum nodded. He didn't say anything, though.

"You're nervous," she observed.

"Of course I'm nervous, I'm getting married," Calum said quietly, straightening the cuffs of his tuxedo jacket.

"Don't worry," she said, smoothing out her short, purple bridesmaid dress. "You'll do great." She continued to fix the small details of his outfit- his silver boutonniere and flyaway hairs.

Why was he so nervous? The past few days had been extremely stressful, as you would expect. They had the rehearsal dinner last night and everything went so smoothly. It shouldn't be any different tonight, right?

"We should get going," Calum swallowed nervously, checking his watch. It was 4:17, and the ceremony started at 4:30.

"Your future hubby's waiting," Mali teased, picking up her silver flower bouquet. Calum wanted to laugh, he really did, but he was too anxious. He swore he was going to trip going up the stairs or forget his vows.

Calum inhaled a deep breath, and walked out of the room in the country club they got ready in and headed to the outdoor venue, where about 150 of his guests were waiting. He made his way to the front, standing to the left of the priest.

He stood with his hands folded and stared at his shiny black shoes. Ashton would be walking down the aisle in a short ten minutes. Of course he wouldn't be in a dress or anything, but he'd still walk down with his mother, and their four closest girl friends would stand along side their four closest guy friends as bridesmaids and groomsmen.

He looked up, glancing around the beautifully decorated area that coordinated to the colors of their wedding-- silver and purple. There was a long, white rug that ran down the center, and white chairs on either side of it. Purple bows were tied on the backs of each chair.

Everything matched, like my twitter layout ayy, and he couldn't wait to see his fiancé.

"Are we ready to begin?" The priest leaned over and whispered to Calum. His heart fluttered and he nodded at the man. The music started playing. This was really happening.

Mali and Michael began the trip down the stretch of white fabric. She looked beautiful in her purple dress with silver trim, and Michael in his bow tie that matched Calum's. Followed by them were Ashton's sister, Lauren, and Luke, and then Greta and Ashton's brother, Harry. Finally, their last two friends, Liz and Chad ushered themselves down the path.

Calum took a large breath in through his nose and a shit eating grin formed across his face as Ashton came around the corner. He lightly bounced up and down on his toes and folded his hands together so he wouldn't make too big of a reaction.

God, he was so perfect.

For a second, Calum didn't feel the knots in his stomach.

His black tuxedo made him look mature and so beautiful. The silver vest and purple bow tie looked amazing.

Calum would never know how he got so lucky.

As Ashton's mother gave him away, leading him towards the right side of the priest, Calum's butterflies returned.

He unclasped his hands from in front of him and reached out, grabbing Ashton's. The second his fiancé's palms touched his, the younger boy immediately whisper yelled, "Your hands are sweaty!"

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