Skinny Love [Mashton]

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don't hate us

We don't know how this is gonna happen


~*Mama Pigeon*~

Skinny Love[Mashton]

Ashton's POV:

There he was.

Holy shit.

He's so perfect.

Fuck me.

If only he could love me back.

In case you haven't gathered, the guy I'm talking about is Michael Clifford. Who else would I be in love with? And how could you not love Michael?

He's so beautiful with his goddamn eyes and his hair- no matter what color it is I love it. It's always so soft.

"Hey, mate, can you toss me the remote? This show is shit," Michael asked.

Jesus Christ, he's so sexy when he swears.

"Y-yeah, sure," I responded. He didn't seem to notice how I stuttered, thank God.

Michael, of course, had no idea how I truly felt about him. To him we were just mates. It broke my heart. I felt like a 13 year old girl, completely love-sick. But when it came to Michael I didn't really care.

God, I wish he could love me back.

"Psst, Ashton!" Luke called from across the room, as though I was the only one who could hear him.

I sighed and stood up, making my way towards Luke.

"What?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you," he said. He then grabbed my forearm and dragged me into the kitchen. "Have you told him yet?" Luke questioned me. Luke and Calum were the only two people who knew about my true feelings for Michael. They were always pushing me to admit it to him, but that was never going to happen. The last thing I wanted was to ruin our friendship by telling Michael I was in love with him.

"No I haven't told him, and I never will," I stated.

"Why not?! You two would be such a cute couple!" He exclaimed

"Shh!" I shushed him. I couldn't risk Michael over-hearing us or something. "I will NEVER tell Michael that I love him, just let it go," I whispered harshly.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Whatever," I mocked him. He punched me in the arm and that's when I turned to leave.

As I walked out of the kitchen I almost literally ran into Michael since he was standing right outside the door. He was leaning up against the door frame, one ankle propped behind the other, arms crossed over his chest. He looked so fucking hot.

And he probably just heard me and Luke's entire conversation.



Fuck fuck fuck!

"So Ashton," Michael started. Shit. Holy shit. This boy will be the death of me. "I hear you like someone."

I swallowed hard and shook my head. "N-no," I spoke.

Michael began walking closer to me. He backed me up against the wall and planted his arm above my head. He was so close to me all I could smell was MichaelMichaelMichael. He smelled like hair dye and yummy things. Amazing.

When he spoke his hot, minty breath fanned out across my face. "I know you like me Ashton,"

I swallowed hard again. This couldn't be happening. This was too good to be true.

And then Michael was kissing me. Michael was kissing me.





MICHAEL WAS KISSING ME! I was kissing Michael!!!! His lips were everything I had ever imagined and more. He tasted like whatever gum he had been chewing earlier and I loved it.

"It's okay if you like me. Because I like you, too," he whispered heavily.

"Really?" I was baffled. I could feel the biggest smile ever spread across my face.

"Really," Michael grinned, placing a kiss on my nose. "Be my boyfriend?"

I still couldn't believe this was happening. "Of course!"


Naaaaawwwwwwwww😊 MASHTON!

That was so fun to write!!!

Ok ily babies


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