You Should Know the Answer to That Question [Zaniam-AU]

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our All TIme Low concert is in twelve days

I'm not crying


~AShlyn beause I guess I love you guys

You Should Know the Answer to That Question [Zaniam-AU]~

Liam made his way onto the small plane, thankful to be out of the harsh Iraqi sun. An oppurtunity he rarely got. Except now, he was getting the chance to fly all the way home to California to his two boyfriends whom he hadn't seen in eleven months. His deplyoment wasn't a surprise or anything, but he still had to leave his loved ones for a good amount of time.

The plane ride back consisted of his remembering everything about Niall and Zayn he had ever known. How Niall looked waking up in the morning; his blonde hair all matted down, and a ridiculously adorable look of drowsiness on his face. The words 'I love you' rolling off of Zayn's perfect lips, usually followed by a kiss or two. The look of both surprise and excitement he hoped to see on his boyfriend's faces when he arrived to their shared townhouse.

The Sergeant was surprising Zaynand Niall with this trip home. His original plans had been to be in Iraq for a year and then come back to America for extra training in Missouri. Liam's deplyoment, however, was cut short by a failed mission in another regiment. All forty soldiers were being sent home for five months until their tours were reinstated.

Not that Liam was complaining.

Because, you know, he got to spend Niall's birthday and Christmas with his boyfriends.

So, basically, Liam was currently the luckiest man alive. Ever.

Now all that stood between him and Niall and Zayn was an eighteen hour plane ride.


"Zee, I'm gonna go rub one out. Don't miss me too much,"

"Uh, babe, you want some help with that?" Zayn asked from his spot on the couch, his left side now cold since Niall had stood up.

Niall sighed and looked down at his hands like they were suddenly very interesting. "No," he mumbled. "Having sex without Liam is always weird. Like, it's not the same."

Zayn smiled sadly at his boyfriend. "I know baby, I understand. He'll be home soon,"

"What if he doesn't come home?" Niall looked up at Zayn with watery eyes.

"No, baby, don't say that. He'll be fine. He has to be,"

Practically falling back down into his boyfriend's lap, Niall curled up in Zayn's arms. "I just miss him so damn much,"

And for like, two seconds, Zayn and Niall thought that they had imagined the sound of the door opening.

Niall and Zayn looked at each other, because the only other person who had a key to their home was--


Niall was off of Zayn's lap in seconds, running towards their other boyfriend, stumbling over the coffee table on the way. He ended up tripping into Liam's arms, with Zayn not two steps behind him.

"What the hell are you doing home?" Zayn asked, taking his face out of Liam's neck to see his other two boyfriends lip locking. The familiar sight made his heart swell and then beat faster because Liam was home.

"We got-" Liam cut himself off to kiss Zayn hello for a couple seconds. "Sent home-" Then Niall again. "For a couple months-" And then Zayn again. "Failed mission by another regiment, and here I am," Liam grinned at his two boyfriends.

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