Just the Way He Is [Finnspar-AU]

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if you don't know what finnspar is im gonna punch you


prompt- jalfie sets up their roommates on a blind date! yay. jack sends Finn to go with caspar and alfie sends caspar with finn and its fancy and a party and cute and djskfjsk

Just the Way He Is [Finnspar AU]

Finn's POV:

"Finny!" I heard my twin brother call from somewhere in our flat.

"Jaaack!" I called back.

"I'm doing something that you're going to love me for!"

What the fuck.

"What is it?"

"C'mere, I'll show you!"

So I went to my brother's bedroom. He was laying out some clothes on his bed that were date worthy and grinned at me.

"Put this on," he said.


"Because you're going on a blind date," he shrugged, picking up the clothes and handing them to me.

"Jack, I'm not going on another shitty date you set up again-" I started. I wasn't going to put up with my brother's shit. At least not now.

"This one'll be great! I promise," he tried to gain my trust.

"That's what you said last time!"

"Yeah, but-"

"And the time before that!" I added.

Jack sighed, "Don't take it personally bro, but you haven't been in a steady relationship for a long time. You need this, okay?"

"No." I said firmly. Jack always tried to set me up with new guys. He knew I was gay, and he was too. He had been dating one of our friends, Alfie Deyes, for about seven months now.

"Please? He's a really great guy, you'll love him! I've met him before, I swear," Jack begged.

I glared at him for a few seconds before snatching up the clothes. "Fine." I gave in.

Jack's eyes lit up. "Yay! Hurry and go get ready! You're going on a date!"

What a freak.

Caspar's POV:

"C'mon Caspar," Alfie begged me.

"Why?" I folded my arms over my chest.

"'Cause I told Jack that you'd go-" my roommate began.

"Alfie you need to stop setting me up! The guys are great, but not my type at all!" I argued.

"Caspar, you're going and you're going to like it," Alfie growled, shoving clothes into my arms.

I guess I didn't have a choice.

I threw the clothes on and didn't bother fixing my hair or putting on cologne. I didn't want to go, and I didn't want to turn him on. I decided I was going to be the least attractive I could be.

I stepped into our front room and Alfie gave me a look. "Ugh, Caspar, can't you look a little nicer?"

"I look fine," I argued. He sighed and told me to get in his car. I did, and he drove to a baseball stadium. I recognized a car there as Jack Harries', Alfie's boyfriend.

"Hi love," Alfie grinned at his boyfriend while getting a peck on his lips. I had always thought Jack was kind of attractive, but I wouldn't date him. Especially because he's with my roommate.

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