We All Wait for the Snow to fall [Nosh-AU]

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Christmas one shot in the middle of May because fuck logic

I wrote Ashtyn this one shot for her birthday and she cried and I laughed so happy birthday Ash I enjoy you

zouisxcstasy this is your prompt and I really loved it

We All Wait for the Snow to fall [Nosh-AU]~

Sometimes there's this love between two people that's so rare, so special, it can only evolve out of a friendship. A friendship that's been around for years, decades even.

Like the friendship Josh and Niall have.

Niall truthfully didn't know what exactly it was he felt for Josh. He thought maybe all best mates made each other feel like that. Like you would never be sad again, like you could fly; die happy right in that moment-all just from them smiling, or hearing them laugh, or being able to hug them tight.

He felt many of these emotions as he stood next to Josh on the sidewalk outside of the music store, Cadence Music, where the drummer worked, snow falling slowly in giant flakes all around them.

Josh's eyes sparkled with wonderment as he gazed at the shiny new drum set in the store window. Niall, in turn, watched Josh with a look of love. He had always loved how passionate and excited Josh was when it came to drumming. The older boy was in a small pop punk band with a couple of lads from his college. They had been together for a little over a year now, and, in Niall's opinion, were pretty damn good.

Ever since the 8-piece drum kit had arrived in Cadence Music it had been on Josh's wish list. The only problem was that he didn't have the thousand dollars to pay for it.

"It fucking sucks," Josh groaned, knocking his head against the window. "It's the most beautiful thing I think I've ever seen,"

'You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,' Niall wanted to say. Instead he squeezed Josh's hip and said, "C'mon, let's get to the bar,"

Josh groaned and turned himself into Niall's arms. Laughing partly from nerves, Niall held Josh close, pressing his lips to the nape of the drummer's neck.

"I don't even like Zayn and Liam," Josh mumbled into Niall's shoulder.

"Yes you do," Niall said, smiling. "Come on. They're waiting,"

Niall grabbed Josh's hand in his and the pair began walking toward their favorite bar. Although it was snowing, it didn't feel all that cold out. There wasn't any wind or ice blowing around, so the walk was pleasant. Upon entering the bar, they found their two best friends sitting in the far left corner at their usual table.

Just like every other time they came to hang out here, Josh looked around the bar to find where Liam and Zayn were camped out, as thought they weren't always in the same spot. Niall found the fact that he did this adorable and, frankly, loved it because it gave him the opportunity to place his hand on the small of Josh's back and face him in the direction of the table.

Niall did exactly that once him and Josh had removed their coats and scarves. This time, Josh turned around and smiled at Niall in gratitude. The younger boy felt his heart skip beats. As the pair sat down across from their other friends, Niall caught Zayn giving him a knowing look. "Where have you two been?" He asked suggestively.

His questioned caused Josh to remember the drums he couldn't afford. "I fucking hate being a broke college student!" He exclaimed, dropping his head down onto the table.

"Still hung up on those drums, huh?" Liam asked, taking a sip of beer.

Niall had his head rested on his fist and was rubbing circles on Josh's back as Zayn eyed him knowingly. Even though Niall didn't even know what it was exactly that Zayn knew.

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