Swallowed in the Sea [Zaniam]

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our first zaniam


i think it's too short but we'll see

Swallowed in the Sea [Zaniam]~

Zayn often felt as though he was drowning.

He was in the closet when he was placed in a group with four gorgeous boys. Harry and Louis were good looking, sure, there was no denying that. But then there was Niall and Liam.

Niall and Liam.

Zayn couldn't decide which one he was attracted to more. The dark haired boy soon came to learn that he didn't have to either, because when it came to Zayn, Niall, and Liam they were all perfectly comfortable spending time together. Just the three of them. Alone.

He was out to his family and closest friends when Zayn's band had finished their second world tour. But there was still that invisible undertow pulling him down when it came to Liam and Niall. It was like his feelings weren't going to let him survive. He'd be dead before he would even be able to figure out what exactly he was feeling.

They were cuddly with each other, obviously. Even after Zayn came out they were still cuddly. And Liam didn't give up on snuggling with his two favorite boys when Niall came out either.

They flirted constantly, according to Louis and Harry. And the band as well. All three of them flirting. Each one with the other two. Suggestive things, too.

So Zayn decided it couldnt be just friendly feelings he held for Liam and Niall.

Then there was the dream. The dream that held him against the sand at the bottom of the ocean and wouldn't let him come up for air.

It was a domestic dream, which was probably strange for a single twenty year old guy to have.

Whatever job Zayn had in this dream allowed him to be home at 4:30 in the afternoon. Maybe he didn't have a job at all, who knows. The dream wasn't very clear, except for about one thing.

Niall came home, dirty from his job. He had smears on his hands and face, and Zayn giggled and shoved him away when the blonde tried to kiss his husband, or boyfriend, or, whatever.

Liam came home in a full suit and tie, carrying a briefcase. He kissed Zayn and Niall, so that's what the dream was clear about, that whatever Zayn was to Niall, Niall was to Liam, and so was Zayn.

All of them. Together.


Niall called Zayn Bambi.

"Becasue you have pretty eyes, beautiful eyes, Bambi," He said.

Then he would turn around and call Liam Lovey.

"Because he's so, you know, Lovey," Niall said. "He loves a lot."

Liam enjoyed this (Niall and Zayn, and Niall's stupid nicknames) far too much to be straight. And Zayn knew this because he knew everything about his boys. (Wasn't it dumb of him to say that? They weren't his boys, not really. They couldn't be. Not Niall and Liam.) It truthfully just made things more complicated because: Was Liam straight? Did he feel the same as Zayn and Niall? Did Niall feel the same as Zayn? Did Liam want Niall as much as Niall wanted Zayn as much as Zayn wanted Liam as much as Niall wanted Liam as much as Zayn and Liam wanted Niall and Zayn?

It was complicated, being in love with two people at once, loving two people equally, having a Bambi and a Lovey.

Louis didn't question it when he walked into Zayn's hotel room to find the three of them napping, limbs entangled, on the king bed.

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