If I'm Lame Then You're Beautiful [Muke-AU]

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There's a lot of making out in this one

but it's perfect okay I cry

I hope you all ship muke/clemmings because

If I'm Lame Then You're Beautiful [Muke-AU]~

Michael slouched into the cafeteria Friday and took his usual seat across the lunch table from his boyfriend, Luke.

"Hey, mate," their friend, Ashton, said to him.

Michael, however, continued to stare at Luke's face. (He had always thought Luke was beautiful, with his tiny nose and insanely blue eyes.) Luke stared right back, a small smirk on his face.

"Hey losers," Calum sat down to Luke's right.

"I don't know what color to paint my rocking chair," Michael sighed, talking to Luke more than anyone else.

His boyfriend laughed. "You built a rocking chair?"

"For shop class, right?"

"Yeah, Mr. Layton thought it would be a 'practical' project. I've decided to give it to my Grandma Joyce for Christmas, but I don't know what color to paint it," Michael explained.

"Well, what's her favorite color?" Calum asked.

Michael sighed again. "I think it's some shit like lavender, but like, it can't be an Easter color,"

"True," Ashton agreed.

Michael looked back at Luke, sighing once more. Luke began knocking his ankles against Michael's under the table, wanting to play some footsie.

"Maybe you should paint it the color of my eyes," Luke joked.

Grinning widely at his boyfriend, Michael said, "I'm sorry, I don't think Mr. Layton has the paint color of beautiful,"

"Shit Mikey, that was so smooth," Ashton fist bumped him while Calum 'awww'ed.

"Whatever," Luke shoved a couple fries in his mouth. "That was lame,"

"Nah, I think that was cute," Calum stated, only half joking.

"What?" Luke was dumbfounded. "It was too cheesy to be cute,"

"So you don't think cheesy stuff can be cute?" Michael questioned. Luke responded with a nod. "I bet I can get you to change your mind by next week,"

Smirking, Luke replied, "I'll take that bet,"

They shook on it.


Luke sat on his bed with his legs crossed and strummed the nylon strings of his beloved guitar. Sure, he had like, six guitars. But Mikey gave him this one, and it was his favorite. He opened his mouth to sing, but stopped, after hearing tapping against his window.

"What the fuck," he thought to himself. It was probably just the stupid bird that taps on his window every once in a while. He returned to his music, but the tapping wouldn't stop. They weren't consistent sounds either, they were more spaced out. He quietly approached his window, opening the curtain with caution. And down on the street level sat Michael on the hood of his car with a pile of pebbles in his hand.

"Michael!" Luke whisper shouted, "What are you doing? It's like, 2 am!"

"Yeah, but you're still awake, and I'm super adorable, and throwing rocks at your window is a talent of mine," he called back, grinning so widely Luke could practically see his teeth shining in the dark. "Wanna go skinny dipping?"

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