God of All Gays [Lashton]

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This took a long time to update even thought Ashtyn finished it like last week aw we suck I'm sorry

~vio lyn

Ashton Irwin regretted opening his eyes Saturday morning. The bright sunlight leaking into the room caused his already throbbing head to pound even more. He cursed at himself for drinking so much the night before.

Ashton Irwin regretted sitting up so fast on that Saturday morning. His head spun, making him dizzier than he'd ever been. His lightheadedness triggered him to vomit all over the floor next to him.

Ashton Irwin regretted standing up that Saturday morning. For one thing, he stepped right into his vomit. Nasty. Also, he was naked and had a very sore bum. He wasn't in his room either.

'Shit,' he thought. He didn't even want to find out who he slept with.

So he avoided the sleeping person lying next to him in bed and began to dress himself.

Maybe if he got out of there quick enough, he wouldn't have to face them the morning after.

But just as he was tugging on his sweatpants, the mystery sex person woke up.

'Fucking fuck,' Ashton thought to himself as the person stirred.

He bit his bottom lip and looked up to find Lucas Robert Hemmings opening his eyes.

Yes, the Luke Hemmings, from 5 Seconds of Summer.

The Luke Hemmings that Ashton Fletcher Irwin was in love with.

The Luke Hemmings that just fucked him.

Luke yawned and forced himself up, wincing at the pain of his hangover.

"Ashton?" he yawned.

Ashton swallowed, "Yeah?" Luke's voice was low from sleep, and extremely sexy.

"Hey, uh, I think I'm naked," Luke noted.

"You are," Ashton mumbled, trying not to focus on the covers beginning to slip low on the blonde's hips.

"How come you're in here?" he yawned again, sitting up a little more.

"I've been here the whole night," Ashton said quietly. The drummer found it a bit hard to concentrate on Luke when his sex hair looked that hot.

The guitarist frowned, "Did we- did we sleep... together?"

The wavy haired boy just drew in a flustered breath and said, "Look, I gotta run," and then he was out of Luke's bedroom.

The drummer grabbed his coat from the living room where Niall and Josh were also naked and asleep on the couch. He was careful not to wake them either.

He slipped out the door, shoving his hands in his pockets and knowing exactly who to go to for advice.

Louis Tomlinson.

He was the god of all gays, and he'd know exactly what to tell the wavy haired boy.

Ashton knocked on the door of Louis and Harry's flat. He was greeted by a sleepy looking Harry who just gave him a weak smile.

"Hi," he said softly. He must've just woken up.

"Ash!" Louis said brightly from behind Harry. He'd always been ready at the crack of dawn. "Whaddya doin' here?"

"I, uh, need your help mate," he said nervously.

"What's up?" Louis asked after inviting him in and handing him a cup of coffee, then asking him to sit down.

"I slept with Luke," Ashton decided not to beat around the bush.

Louis choked a tiny bit on his sip of tea, not coffee, and cleared his throat. "You what?"

"I was drunk, it's not like I did it on purpose," Ashton blushed. "But I have no idea what to do."

"Well, you like him," Louis said, leaning against the back of his chair.

"N-no, I-I don't," Ashton tried denying it to the older boy.

"Ashton, shut up, when you're gay you can pretty much tell if anyone is. Also, anyone could see. Could you really be any less obvious?" Louis laughed lightly.

"I don't want to like him, he's so into Calum," Ashton mumbled.

"I bet you he's not," Louis scoffed. "He's probably in love with you like you're in love with him."

"I don't know what to do.. like I could bring it up.. but what do I say? Like, how did you and Harry figure it out?"

"Well Haz here couldn't keep his eyes off my ass," Louis grinned, running a hand through his messy curls. "And I asked him what he felt for me. I told him to be honest. And he told me."

"I told you you were hot and I'd fuck you," Harry laughed.

"You don't even fuck me," Louis kissed his temple.

"Yeah okay, I'm not here to hear about this," Ashton grumbled.

"Just ask him to be honest," Louis suggested. "If he really cares, he'll tell you."

So with Louis' wise words, Ashton made his way back to the flat.

Upon entering the house, he discovered the couches to be empty. Niall and Josh must've pulled themselves up to go fuck somewhere else.

He went upstairs and poked around until he found Luke's room.

Luke was laying on his back on top of his mattress, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"What's wrong, babe?" Ashton asked softly, going in his room to check on him.

Luke just sniffed and shook his head. "Ash, can you go?"

"Tell me what happened," Ashton said gently, stroking his hair.

"You just left!" Luke cried. "Ash, we slept together, and you left, and it meant absolutely nothing to you, but it meant everything to me!"

"Luke, I didn't mean to leave," Ashton whispered. "You think it didn't mean anything to me?"

"Well, you got out of here as quick as you could!" Luke sniffed.

"I-I.. no, I... Luke, I'm in love with you," Ashton blurted. "That meant everything to me. But I was scared. I was so fucking scared, and I didn't know what to do. So I left. And I wish I could've stayed, because damn, you're really hot in the morning."

"You love me? And I'm hot in the morning?"

"Yes I am, yes you are,"

"I'm sorry-" they both said at the same time. "I love you-" they said simultaneously.

They grinned like idiots at each other.

And had sex again idk.

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