Sooner [Nuke/Miam]

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Hai thur lettle boi

Sorry these prompts are taking so long we just idk we're lazy but we still love you baby pigeons (also your prompts are a lot easier to write when they're really specific BTW)



Sooner [Nuke/Miam]~

"Michael we can't let this happen," Luke said as he paced back and forth in him and Calum's hotel room.

"What can't we let happen?" Asked Michael.

Luke stopped pacing and turned to face the blue haired boy. "Niam," he stressed.

Michael looked at the singer like he was crazy (because he was) and also because Niam would never happen.

"Luke, shut up. Niall and Liam will never get together. They're just friends,"

"Mikey," Luke crossed his arms. "Think about it. Niall came out as gay last week, and Liam outed himself right before we left for tour. Niam could happen. But we can't let it happen because you're in love with Liam, and I'm in love with Niall, and it just can't happen. It just can't."

Michael sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Luke... Okay, so let's say that we do stop Niam from "happening." I hate to break it you, but we're way out of our leagues liking these two guys. They're in One Direction and we're One Direction's opening act."

"Are you giving up on me?!" Luke exclaimed. Michael was his wingman. He couldn't go on without him.

"No, Luke, I am not "giving up on you." It's just- well what do you propose we do to get them interested in us?"


"This isn't going to work,"

"Shut up Michael, yes it is."

Michael rolled his eyes at his best friend. "No it's not. To make someone jealous they must first be interested in you. You skipped a step, mate,"

"Shhh..." Luke pressed a finger to the guitarists lips. They then entered the hotel room next to theirs to find none other than Liam and Niall and the rest of One Direction sitting around, singing and playing a bit of guitar.

"Hey lads," Zayn greeted them.

"Hi," Liam smiled directly at Michael.

"H-hi," the younger boy greeted. He could feel himself blushing deeply.

"Lukey, c'mere!" Niall said, patting the spot on the floor next to him.

Luke almost went to sit by Niall, but then he remembered the plan. "Nah, I'm good. I want to sit by, um, Michael," Luke grabbed the guitarists hand and sat both of them down in between Liam and Harry.

Niall eyes their linked fingers jealously. He had always had a bit of a thing for Luke, and Liam for Michael. Muke could not happen.

"W-we're, um, we're gonna- uh- go to-" Louis started to say, but Harry (his boyfriend) interrupted him.

"Bye," said Harry. And then the two boys then practically ran from the room, on their way to their own, giggling.

"And then there were five," Liam spoke after a short silence.

Zayn could feel the obvious tension in the air, and since he supposed to meet up with Perrie in a bit he said, "I'm think I'm gonna head out too. See ya mates,"

"Sooo...." Liam tried to ease the awkward.

"Is that, like, a thing?" Niall asked, motioning to Michael and Luke's intertwined fingers.

"Why would you care?" Questioned Luke.

"I don't," Niall answered a little too quickly.

"Oh, really?" Said Luke. "So you wouldn't mind if I..." And then Luke planted a kiss straight onto Michael's lips.

Both Niall and Liam's jaws dropped at his actions. No one, especially not Michael, was expecting that.

Niall all but threw his guitar to the side so he could stand up and stomp over the where Michael and Luke were seated.

"Problem, Horan?" The blonde boy smirked.

Niall didn't answer. He just grabbed Luke by his t-shirt and kissed the younger boy- hard.

Luke gasped in a mix of surprise and pleasure as he gladly kissed the older boy back.

Liam and Michael still sat on the floor, frozen in their places.

"Liam," Luke said as soon as Niall pulled away to kiss the blonde boy's neck. "Michael's in love with you,"

"Luke!" The blue haired boy cried. He buried his face in his hands, completely embarrassed.

"You are?" Liam asked quietly.

Michael felt like crying, but there was no use denying it now. He nodded.

A grin broke out on the brunette boy's face. "Michale, I'm in love with you too. I always have been."

(Niall and Luke were still making out.)

"Really?" The guitarist blushed.

"Yeah, of course silly,"

Michael leaned over to peck Liam's cheek. "You should've told me sooner,"

"I think we all should've told each other sooner, huh?"


That was short

And the ending was stupid

But you know SaraTomlinson45

Your prompt was a little



But seriously

I need sleep

Ily baby pigeons

(Go follow us on twitter bc why would you not @/Ashsparagus)

~*Mama Pigeon*~

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