Zayn Payne [Ziam-AU]

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so I got this idea from myself cause I wake up in the middle of the night coughing bc sick and im writing this at 4:30 in the morning cause I woke up and can't go back to bed

-ashy tyn

Zayn Payne [Ziam-AU]~

Zayn found himself up waking up in the middle of the night, coughing. Coughing, coughing, coughing. He was coughing like crazy, and sounded like a dog. He had to have been coughing for at least three minutes before he pulled himself out of bed and went downstairs so he wouldn't wake up his fiancé.

The dark haired boy trotted down the stairs, coughing heavily, and went into the kitchen to make some tea for himself.

Pouring himself a cup, he sat down on the couch and turned on the television. He watched the end of a Family Guy episode and an hour and a half of infomercials since it was the only thing on at 4 am.

Zayn was hoping his little home remedy would help, and it did, but not enough to completely fix his problem. It was enough for the night, and he headed back upstairs.

He slid into bed where his fiancé, Liam, was sleeping. God, he was so gorgeous. His beautiful eyes gently closed, soft lips slightly parted. Zayn almost woke him up to give him some hand, and maybe, just maybe, Liam would suck him off. But he couldn't bring himself to it. Liam looked so peaceful, and Zayn thought he was absolutely beautiful.

So Zayn leaned over, kissed Liam's lips ever so lightly, and burrowed under the covers to go back to sleep.


Liam woke up the next morning and noticed Zayn wasn't in bed, but the light was on in the bathroom. He carefully slipped out of bed and quietly padded over to the door.

"Zayn?" he asked softly, knocking lightly on the door. "You okay, baby?" Liam pushed open the door to find Zayn kneeling in front of the toilet, spilling his guts into the bowl.

"Zayn, babe," Liam opened the door all the way. He knelt next to the younger man and placed a hand on his warm back. He began to massage Zayn's shoulders and twirled at the hair at the base of his neck, trying to soothe the sick boy.

Zayn sat back against the bath tub and took a shaky breath, weakly smiling through the tears in his eyes. "Hi, love," he mumbled.

"Baby, are you okay? What are you sick with?" The younger lad asked, concern deep in his voice.

"Just a bug, I'm sure, lots of my kids at school are sick," Zayn told him, explaining what had been going around in his kindergarten class.

"I'll call the school and tell them you're sick, alright Z?" Liam murmured, brushing his hair off of his sweaty, tan forehead and dropping a soft kiss in it.

The lighter haired boy called in sick for his fiancé and began rummaging through their medicine cabinet. He managed to find some fever reducer and pain relievers.

Liam gave Zayn the pills and a glass of water. "Go lay down, baby, I'll be back soon," he mumbled, kissing Zayn's warm shoulder.

Zayn laid back down in their fluffy king size bed, wrinkling his nose and the taste of the medicine Liam had given him. Fighting to keep his heavy eyelids open, he turned his electric blanket on high, feeling a cold, clammy sweat cover his body.

Liam returned not ten minutes later with a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup on a tray. "Sit up, will you love?" Liam asked, propping pillows up behind his fiancé's back. He then proceeded to spoon feed the Bradford lad like a child.

Liam found an episode of Ridiculousness on their tv so they could watch while they ate. At one point, Zayn started laughing and spit his hot soup on Liam.

"Zayn!" Liam half giggled half cried out.

"I'm sorry, babe," Zayn laughed, reaching out to brush his fingers across his chest.

Liam grabbed the soaked shirt by the back of his neck and tugged it over his head. Zayn licked the corner of his mouth and admired Liam's chest, then his ass when he stood up and turned around to get a new shirt.

"I swear, Li, if I wasn't sick, I'd be all over you," Zayn noted, keeping his eyes on Liam's body.

Liam laughed sensibly, "But like you said, you're sick," then, reaching forward, he grabbed Zayn's left hand, bringing it to his mouth. He lightly kissed the engagement ring on his ring finger and pressed a small kiss on the corner of his lips. "I can't wait to marry you," he whispered, barely audible.

Zayn gave him a gentle smile and teased, "I can't wait for my name to rhyme." Liam giggled at the name 'Zayn Payne'. It had always been a little joke between them after they decided Liam would take Zayn's last name.

"My mum found a possible place for the reception," Liam offered, gently pushing Zayn's torso down so he was laying down on their pillows.

"She did?" the older lad asked, yawning.

"Mhm," Liam murmured, running his fingers through the sick boy's raven colored hair and off of his forehead. "She finally found a place that's big enough for everyone and the price isn't too overwhelming."

Zayn didn't respond, he just closed his tired eyes and nodded slowly. Liam's soft fingers running across his forehead started to make him sleepy.

"We'll have more money for our honeymoon," Liam's voice got softer. He let his fingers run down the sides of the shorter boy's warm face, gently rubbing at his temples.

"Mhm, where are we even going?" Zayn mumbled at an almost whisper.

Liam smiled softly. "It's a surprise. Just pack plenty of shorts. Or don't pack any at all and you can walk around naked," he whispered teasingly, thinking of the private condo he rented on the beach of some fancy Caribbean island that he couldn't pronounce the name of.

Zayn smiled and felt Liam's soft lips on his forehead. "I love you," he heard his fiancé whisper against his skin.

"Li, baby, you probably shouldn't be around me so much," Zayn mumbled, "I don't want you to get sick and have to stay home from the office,"

"Hey, don't worry about it," the taller lad said. "Get some sleep, love." He continued to run his fingers through Zayn's hair until he fell asleep. He couldn't help but stare at his fiancé. He looked perfect, even while sleeping.

Both boys thought the other looked beautiful while asleep, though neither knew the other thought the same.

Both boys were so grateful for the other. Neither knew what they did to get the other.

And both boys were so in love with the other, there were no words to describe it.


yeah it's short but so is your boyfriend's dick

I saw this thing on Tumblr and it was like "if you don't have a gay cousin then you're the gay cousin hate to break it to you" and I laughed so hard because I don't have a gay cousin and I'm pansexual

my Tumblr's noshwhorevine and Ash's is neilpatricksexy I think so follow us we're a party


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