If it's Just You and Me [Ziam-AU]

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Yay for ziam drabble and being hungry at 2 am and too scared to go get food

Just kidding im writing this on my flight to Florida

My phone auto corrects food to good and if that isn't amazing I don't know what is

I'd just like to dedicate this to calumdahoodie because fuck you're amazing and I love you and you're a great writer and you leave the best comments and you make me super duper happy and we'd be best friends in real life and we are the same person we are one

I love you babe

Also lately the titles have nothing to do with the one shot its kinda just lyrics we like sorry bye

This ones from Ships In The Night by Mat Kearney

-ashtyn x

(Ashtyn's just confused the titles have everything to do with the one shot they just aren't lame and direct)


If it's Just You and Me [Ziam-AU]~

Liam Payne, or should I say Liam Malik, was walking through the halls of the Heathrow Airport. In his right hand, he wheeled his suitcase towards their terminal. In his left hand, he gripped the fingers of his newlywed. "Ready?" He asked Zayn.

They were about to board Flight 216 to Cape Town, South Africa where they'd make a stop before flying down to Sydney for their honeymoon.

"As I'll ever be," Zayn smiled, his eyes sparkling. In all of the four years they had dated, Liam had never seen him this happy. Their wedding day was the happiest day of their lives. They could finally start living now they were with each other.

Zayn boarded the plane first, Liam following close behind. Taking their seats next to each other, Liam buckled quickly and looked out the window giddily. His knees bounced up and down and he gripped Zayn's hand.

"Are you excited or something?" Zayn asked teasingly.

Liam blushed and laughed, "Stop it."

"Well, I'm excited to spend a vacation with my baby," Zayn smiled, leaning in and kissing him softly.

Liam grinned against his husband's lips and mumbled, "Love you."

"Love you too, beautiful," Zayn kissed Liam, giggling.

The pilot introduced himself and started the safety announcements. The plane took off a short time later, and Zayn was soon asleep.

As a flight attendant came down the aisles, Liam requested a blanket. He laid the soft fabric around Zayn's shoulders and kissed his cheek gently. Liam played with Zayn's wedding ring while he slept.

Six hours later, they had landed in Cape Town, where Liam helped a half asleep Zayn to their waiting plane. The flight to Sydney took another eight hours, and needless to say, both boys were exhausted.

Zayn checked them into their hotel, and they flopped back onto their fluffy, king sized bed.

"God, I'm so tired," Liam breathed.

"Are you really that tired?" Zayn smirked, straddling his husband's waist. He was wide awake from his naps on both planes, unlike Liam, who was tired as shit.

Liam rested his hands on Zayn's hips. "You're filthy," he teased.

"It's why you married me," he mumbled, leaning down and giving him a long, soft kiss.

The lighter haired boy pulled him down so he was cuddled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around Zayn's toned middle and kissed him with a whisper of "I love you." And Liam played with Zayn's wedding ring as they slowly fell asleep.

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