Opposites Attract [Ziam-AU]

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Opposites Attract [Ziam-AU]~

"Then you take this angle, and set it equal to the other base angle, because it's an isosceles triangle which means they're equal," Zayn explained to Liam. Zayn had been tutoring Liam Payne for about two years now, so he wasn't surprised when older boy just gave him a confused expression. "Okay," said Zayn, slipping the worksheet away from the jock. "Maybe that's enough for today, yeah?"

Liam nodded and began putting his things away in his bag.

"See you tomorrow, Payne," the dark-haired boy started to leave.

"Wait- Zayn!" Liam spoke up before he could go.

"Uh, yeah?" He responded. It's simple: Liam was popular (and completely hot,) and Zayn was nerdy and disliked for his brains- they never talked unless it related to Liam's tutoring.

"Would you- um," Liam clears his throat. "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?"

The questioned stunned Zayn, no doubt. But if he said he didn't have a crush on the other boy he'd be lying. "S-sure," he managed out.

Liam's face broke out into a wide, bright, beautiful smile. He didn't think the shorter boy was going to say yes. "Alright, sweet," his confident, nearly cocky demeanor was back (it only ever left when he was nervous about something; like being around Zayn, or geometry.) He pecked the younger boy's cheek and said, "I'll pick you up at five."

The brainiac stayed frozen to his spot. Did that really just happen? Then he ran as fast as he could out of the school and to his car because he had a date with Liam.


Zayn spent half of the time between when he got home and 5:00 getting ready and the other half pacing in his foyer. He was nervous to say the least.

Soon enough the doorbell rang causing Zayn to practically jump out of his skin- it was Liam.

"Hi," Zayn greeted the jock after opening the front door. He tried to sound confident, but it came out small and squeaky.

"Hey, ready to go?" Asked Liam.

The shorter boy only nodded and took Liam's open hand. It was only then he realized how big it was in comparison to his. The size difference was crazy, comical even.

The taller boy first took him to some burger joint that he insisted was fantastic (it was) the pair then headed to a nice cream parlor.

Zayn got cake batter and Liam ordered plain chocolate. They sat at a two person table, straight across from each other. Liam wanted to be closer, but this would have to do.

"So why'd you ask me out anyways?" Asked Zayn after taking a bite from his dessert

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it's just you've never shown any interest in me, that's all."

"I have to!" Liam protested.

"Nuh uh!" Zayn insisted.

"Zayn, when I wink and smile at you, or purposely lean closer to you that's flirting. People flirt when they like someone," said Liam through his smile.

"I know what flirting is," the younger lad blushed, taking special interest in his ice cream.

Liam laughed. "Apparently not."

With his blush deepening, the younger boy smiled sheepishly up at Liam. The jock felt his stomach flutter at the sight of Zayn's gorgeous smile. He was always getting feelings like this; It was part of the reason he couldn't focus very well during their tutoring sessions.

"You have a beautiful smile," He blurted out.

If Zayn could blush any harder he would. "Th-thanks."

The jock grinned. "So," Liam gathered a bite of chocolate onto his spoon. "You like to read," he held the spoon in front of the dark-haired boy's mouth. "What's your favorite book?"

Zayn took the ice cream off of the spoon and swallowed before answering. "Everyday by David Levithan, I suppose," was his answer. "What about you?" The younger boy got a small spoonful of his ice cream ready. "Do you read any?" He held the spoon up.

"What do you think?" Said Liam rhetorically as he ate the ice cream his date had offered him.

Zayn laughed breathily as he watched the way Liam's pink lips curved around the white plastic and the way his tongue licked over them afterwards. Zayn had never really fantasied about kissing someone before, but then again, he had never really felt this way about anyone else before either.

"So if you don't read," Zayn reached across the table and took a bit of Liam's dessert. "Then do you like movies or what?"

"Yeah movies are more my speed," the jock did the same to Zayn, taking a spoonful of his ice cream.

"What's your favorite?"

"You'll make fun of me."

"I actually won't."

"You will. It's nerdy."

The shorter boy raised an eyebrow. "You really think I'm in a position to judge somebody for being nerdy?"

Liam laughed a little. "Yeah but you're a cute nerdy. This is just flat out dorky."

Zayn tried not to let himself blush at the fact Liam thought he was cute. "Just tell me," he insisted.

"Okay fine. My favorite movies are," Liam took a breath and screwed up his face, bracing himself for the laughter. "The Star Wars movies,"

"Seriously?!" Zayn was impressed. He thought the jock would be more into stupid action movies with naked girls and explosions.

"Yeah," Liam muttered.

"I think that's great," Zayn told his date honestly.

The older boy gave him a small smile and they continued to eat.

After all the ice cream was gone and then even an hour after that the two teenage boys were still talking.

Zayn noticed how close they were. They had subconsciously leaned in towards each other through out their conversation. Zayn could feel Liam's warm breath on his face- it smelled of chocolate, of course.

Liam noticed how their legs are intertwined under the small metal table. He liked how Zayn was just the right size- a little bit smaller than himself. He also liked the feeling he got from being close to the brainiac. The jock really hadn't felt this way, about anyone, in a long time.

"We should get going," Liam whispered. They had just spent the past five minutes not saying a word and instead staring at each other's lips. The two boys definitely need their privacy.

Zayn nodded as the pair stood up, tossing their empty bowls into the trash. Liam linked his fingers with the smaller boy's, and they made their way out to the parking lot.

Once inside Liam's sedan it became silent. The only sound was the faint radio playing some Script song that neither of the boys knew the name of. Liam sat behind the wheel and Zayn right next to him in the passenger's seat.

"Zayn," Liam spoke up at the same time the brainiac said "Liam."

They smiled at each other, and it was silent for a couple more moments.

"Can I kiss you?" Asked Liam. He didn't want to scare Zayn off, so it was only right to ask.

The younger boy nodded, maybe a little too quickly, and then Liam kissed him, maybe a little too quickly.

At first Zayn didn't didn't really know where to put his hands. (Liam's were cradling his face gently.) They went from the the jock's broad shoulders to the sides of his head. There Zayn tugged at the light hair by Liam's ears.

Liam's ginormous hands slipped down the smaller boy's sides, resting on his hips. Zayn's shirt began riding up (or maybe the older boy pulled it up, but let's not get technical) so Liam let his hands grace over his date's soft skin, rubbing it gently. Zayn now had his arms wrapped around Liam's neck, pulling him impossibly closer.

The jock pulled away to kiss down the younger boy's jaw and neck, sucking a mark into his collarbone. Zayn gasped at the sensation and wriggled in Liam's grip, rubbing their hard-ons together by accident.

When their lips reconnected they moved in a neater way than before, now that this was Zayn's second time kissing someone. They pushed and pulled against each other. Their lips were parted, but both boys kept their tongues to themselves not wanting to ruin anything.

After almost-but-barely half an hour of kissing in the front seat of the older boy's car, they pulled away for air one last time. Liam's breathing was heavy and hot as it fanned across Zayn's face. His giant hand rested on the younger boy's hip once again, massaging it softly.

"That was my first kiss," Zayn said after catching his breath.

Liam broke out into a smile. "I'm glad I got the honor of being your first kiss, Zayn Malik."

Zayn rolled his eyes and pulled out of the jock's grip. "You're a dork."

Liam just laughed, starting up his car. "You know you love it,"


this used to be destiel but we changed it

ha ily

~*Mama Pigeon*~

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