One Day Closer [Larry-AU]

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prompt~ drunk louis is drunk

did you catch my 5sos pun

One Day Closer [Larry-AU]

Harry's POV

"Loouiiis!" I sang, opening the door. "Honey, I'm home!"

No answer.

"Lou?" I poked around the flat a little, but didn't find him anywhere. Must've gotten held over at the office.

I put my briefcase away in our room and loosened my tie, then made my way to the kitchen. I was gonna make dinner for my fiancé and I.

Maybe I'd make Louis' favorite. If he's having a long day at the office, he'll like having his favorite dinner.

I started to prep some chicken for fajitas and got busy. I guess I didn't realize how long I took until I looked at the clock. 7:30.

And Louis still wasn't home.

I called him a few times, but he didn't answer. Maybe he's in a meeting that's running late.

As 8:00 rolled around, I ate dinner. It was now cold, but I still ate my share and waited for Louis.

I turned on the TV and started watching some show, distracting me from missing Louis' presence.

Where the hell could he be?

9:00, no Louis.

10:00, no Louis.

11:00, damn I was tired, no Louis.



I yawned and struggled to keep my eyes open, but finally, at 2:30, Louis came in the door.

Piss drunk.

"Louis! Where the fuck were you?" I scolded.

"I dunno," he slurred, leaning against a wall for support.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?" I demanded an answer.

"You called?" he garbled, pulling out his phone.

"Just go shower," I muttered. Why the fuck would he go out and get drunk and forget to let me know? I was worried!

"Shower with me Haz," Louis breathed, grabbing me by my collar and pulling me towards his face.

"Your breath smells like vodka," I pushed him off.

"Harry," he whined.

"Go upstairs," I snapped.

"Come with," he giggled. I was not gonna put up with his drunken bullshit, so I scooped him up and dragged him upstairs.

"Are you gonna fuck me?" he poked a finger into my chest and trailed it down my stomach.

"Louis," I shook my head.

"Are you gonna screw me into the mattress?" he asked, breathing heavily. His breath reeked of alcohol. Normally with all this sex talk, I'd be all for it. But his drunkenness was a major turn off.

"Shut up," I muttered.

"You're gonna bang me so hard, I won't be able to walk for weeks," he slurred.

He was so drunk, he couldn't remember that he's the one that tops.

I pushed him into the bathroom and ordered him to shower. "Come out when you're cleaned up," I shouted through the door.

After a few minutes of silence, I heard his shower turn on. I changed out of my office clothes and into an old t-shirt and boxers. I shut off our bedroom light and switched on my nightstand lamp. I listened to Louis shower, which I can imagine was tough, him being drunk.

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