Push-Ups [Ziall- AU]

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prompt- zayn is a exercise-oholic or whatever you call it and nialls trying to watch porn jk hes trying to watch pretty little liars no greys anatomy no mean girls bc gay YES MEAN GIRLS and zayn is being fucking loud in their home gym and nialls like stfu and zayns like only if you help me do this workout and oooohhhh ziall ok bye

Push-Ups [Ziall-AU]~

"If you're from South Africa then why are you white?"

Niall had seen this movie plenty of times- he could quote the whole thing. That is, if he could actually hear them talking.

Zayn was working out in their home gym, like always. He, of course, blasted loud music through the surround system of the room, which filled the whole house with noise.

Niall would be able to put up with this if it wasn't all the time. Zayn worked out most of the time, and to be honest, he was missing his boyfriend's company. He loved how Zayn's body looked after a workout- he was always flexing and coated with a thin layer of sweat, making his sculpted body glisten. But he never got to spend time with him.

"Zayn!" Niall shouted over his movie and the music. Zayn didn't answer. He probably couldn't hear him. "Zayn!" he yelled again, getting up and going to the gym.

He opened the gym doors and found his boyfriend doing pull-ups to the beat of whatever loud song was playing.

"Zayn!" Niall frowned, leaning against the doorframe.

Zayn did a couple more pull-ups, then jumped down and turned his music down.

"What was that, love?" Zayn panted, grinning his killer smile at his boyfriend.

"Can you turn your music down? Or maybe stop working out for a few hours and spend some time with me?" Niall asked.

"Ni, I need to finish this," Zayn sighed.

"What do you have left?"

"I need to run, and I have my push-ups," Zayn told him. "Can you wait like, 20 minutes?" he asked, kissing Niall's forehead.

"How about you skip those?" Niall whined.

"I'll make you a deal," Zayn began. "I'll skip running if you help me with push-ups,"

"I don't want to help," Niall wrinkled his nose.

"You'll like helping, I promise," Zayn took Niall's hand and led him in their gym. "Take off your shirt," he ordered.

Niall slipped off his shirt cautiously. Zayn had always looked better than he did, and couldn't help but feel a little insecure when he was half naked(or naked, for that matter) in front of Zayn.

"There's my gorgeous Ni," Zayn grinned. He'd always loved Niall's body, even if Niall didn't. "Now lay down,"

Niall got down on the mats, looking at Zayn, confused. "Z, what are you-"

"I'm gonna do push-ups," Zayn said, getting on top of Niall and placing a hand on either side of his head. "Kiss me when I come down, okay?"

"Okay," Niall grinned.

"One," Zayn whispered, bending his arms. Niall brushed his lips across Zayn's teasingly.

"Two," Zayn bent again, Niall's full lips pressed against his.

"Three," Zayn sang softly, pecking Niall's lips very quickly.

"Four," Niall kissed him a little longer this time.

Zayn kept counting, and kept pushing himself up and down, kissing Niall's lips every time.

"Twenty nine," Zayn was struggling a little, since he was on top of Niall and getting lost in the bright blue pools of his eyes.

"Thirty," he collapsed on top of Niall and kissed him fully.

"Z," Niall giggled, "you're such a goofball,"

"A goofball?" Zayn teased, kissing Niall's nose.

"Yeah," he smiled. Zayn rolled over and pulled Niall with him so Niall was now laying on top of him.

"You're a goofball, too," he whispered, kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Wanna watch Mean Girls with me?" Niall asked, tracing the tattoos on Zayn's chest.

"Actually, I need to shower," Zayn bit his lip.

"But I wanna spend time with you," Niall whined.

"Shower with me," Zayn offered cheekily.

"Okay," Niall replied immediately, without a second thought. He abandoned his movie and went upstairs with Zayn to 'shower.'

It was mostly true though, they did end up in the shower, but not much cleaning was done. Zayn fucked Niall because 1) Niall's, like, the biggest bottom ever and 2) that's what boyfriends do.


So Ashtyn wrote 999681838.9999% of this and I finished it for her and the end sucks I know but yoU KNOW WHAT FUCK ENDINGS WHO GIVES jk I do BUT LIFE IS HARD


I just can't apologize enough for this shit ass one shot I'm just sorry

Please love me


guys I did not want to finish this one so it originally went like this-

He abandoned his movie and went upstairs with Zayn, and idk what im writing, bc no.

yeah I should've kept it like that


-ashtyn ps request or i'll find you

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