Closeted.. Literally [Ziall]

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prompt- Can you do a Ziall with a side Cake? It can be smutty or fluffy? But can it be when Niall becomes quieter and sadder. He like Zayn but he too scared to tell him. Only Luke knows this. And Niall knows Luke likes Calum. Luke and Calum then shove Zayn and Niall in a closet but then get locked in another room. Please do this?

@/directioner24787 im sorry I spaced out and just found this prompt I feel so bad it wasnt up earlier ilysm bby. :)

Niall's POV:

Zayn was so pretty. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was so- perfect. It was safe to say I was in love with him. Of course, I had been for months now, he just would never know.

I'm never telling him. Or any of the other boys. Well, except for Luke. Normally, Zayn would be the one who knows all my secrets. But since I can't confide to Zayn about my love for him, I've kinda trusted Luke to be my new Zayn.

I feel horrible for replacing Zayn, but I can barely even talk to him without stuttering or getting nervous. Zayn always brought out my carefree, fun, I-find-everything-fucking-hilarious attitude. So I guess I'm a little more reserved now.

"How's Zayn?" Luke came into my hotel room and sat down on a couch.

I groaned, "Still fucking perfect, gorgeous as ever."

"Yeah, I get that, but I mean progress," Luke urged.

"What makes you think I'm ever going to make a move? And why would I? God, he's as straight as it gets," I shook my head.

"You never know," Luke shrugged, getting more comfortable on the couch.

"How's Calum?" I asked him. Luke was in the same situation as I was, being madly in love with someone who was completely oblivious to the fact they had an admirer.

"Hot," he replied. "Sexy, gorgeous. Still single."

"You should tell him," I said, then completely regretting it. I was such a hypocrite, if I couldn't tell someone I loved them myself, why was I telling other people to be honest?

"You should tell Zayn," he argued.

"No, you should tell-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I heard my door open. Calum poked his head in the door and smiled at Luke.

"Hey guys," he said cheerfully, coming in to my room and sitting down. "Whatcha doin?" he lifted his feet and placed them in Luke's lap.

Luke swallowed, "Just talking,"

"Well, come do stuff with the rest of the guys," Calum insisted.

So we walked into the hallway where Zayn was waiting. I just about collapsed.

He was wearing a white, see through t shirt. His abs were obvious beneath the thin fabric that was tight on his muscles. Zayn, you can't fucking do that.

"What are we doing?" Zayn asked, throwing an arm around my shoulders. Fuck. Him simply touching my arms was turning me on.

"Um," I stuttered. "I'm not sure," I said quietly.

I watched Calum whisper something in Luke's ear. Luke blushed the whole time but nodded and laughed when Calum was finished.

"Come with us," Calum said, grabbing Luke's hand. Luke bit his lip and blushed as Calum dragged him down the hotel hallway. Zayn and I followed the two, and came to Calum's room. "Everybody in," he ushered us all inside.

"Now, this way," Calum pushed Zayn and I through his room. "Aaaaand you two go in here," he quickly shoved Zayn and I in a closet. I heard a lock click and laughing.

Zayn pounded on the door, "Open the door Calum!" he shouted.

"No," he called.

"Why not?"


Then they didn't answer, so I figured they had abandoned us.

Zayn sighed, "Guess it's just you and me now."

My heart pounded so hard, I thought he was going to be able to hear it. My palms got sweaty and I bit my lip. Thank god this closet was dark, and he couldn't see my face.

"Hey Ni?" he asked softly. "Can I ask you something?"

"O-okay," I mumbled.

"How come you've been so sad lately? You're not the same Nialler I've always loved," Zayn asked. Of course when he says he loves me, he means as a friend; simply a bandmate.

"I dunno," I murmured.

"Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"Look Zayn, I haven't been completely honest with you," I admitted. Wait, what was I doing? Was I seriously about to tell him I loved him? "I- I love you,"

Zayn sounded confused, "I love you too-"

"No Zayn, I love you," I said again. "I love love you. I really love you, like, I wanna be with you love you."

" me?"

"More than anything,"

He didn't say anything. I felt like crying. He was just going to sit there?

But then I felt it. His hand came to my cheekbone. He traced my cheek and my jawline, all the way up to my chin.

"Niall," he whispered, brushing his fingers over my lips. "I love you too,"

Then he kept his fingers on my lips and bent forward, replacing his fingers with his lips so he wouldn't miss. I nudged my lips back against his, after almost forgetting to.

I kissed him for a while, and he surprisingly kept kissing me back. Zayn, the boy of my dreams, my everything, was kissing me.

I loved him so much.

"Lovely," Zayn said, once we broke away, "I love you so much, baby,"

"I love you too," I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me.

"I've wanted to be able to do this for so long," he sighed.

"Honestly, I thought you were going to hate me," I whispered.

"I could never hate you, baby,"

We sat in the dark, all cuddled up for about twenty minutes. Zayn would whisper sweet nothing's in my ear and kiss my forehead. I could really get used to this.

Eventually, the door opened. Luke was standing there with a smirk and messy hair.

"Enjoy your alone time?"

I ignored him, "Where's Calum?"

"He's still putting his pants on," he said. I would've thought he wasn't serious, but then Calum showed up with equally messy hair, and was zipping up his pants.

"You weren't kidding," I muttered.

"So was today like a 'set each other up' day," Zayn pointed out.

"I loved it," I shrugged.

"And I love you," Zayn whispered, kissing my nose.

I finally had my favorite person.

He was mine, and I was his.




if you agree request one

if you don't agree request one


-ashtyn x

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