'Straight' [Cake]

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pROMPT~ from @/paintedtigers

can y'all do a cake one-shot where calum is 'straight' & luke is openly gay and has a huge crush on calum & ashton & michael always tease him about it and then calum finds out and they get together and then at then end he whispers, "you know Luke, I would've turned gay for you any day and it happened. I love you."

Thank you for requesting babe!!

I hope you love it:):):)

'Straight' [Cake]~

Luke came out as gay two years into 5 Second Of Summer's professional career. The public's reaction was surprisingly good. Almost all of the fans accepted and supported him.

There were, of course, the few people who resented Luke for liking boys, but he didn't let it get to him.

Now, we all know how much fangirls love gay people so when Luke came out a whole bunch of rumors were started about 'Cake' being real or Luke having a thing for Liam Payne.

None of it was true, much to Luke's disappointment. And no, Luke didn't have a thing for Liam Payne. He was disappointed that 'Cake' wasn't real.

Like couldn't help but be in love with the dark haired boy- it was hard not to be. According to Luke, Calum had gorgeous eyes and an adorable laugh. Not to mention his muscular body and flawless face. Yeah, the blonde boy was definitely in love.

However, Calum had absolutely no idea. In fact, the only people who knew the truth were hardcore 'Cake' shippers and Michael and Ashton. Luke was teased constantly by his two band mates about his feelings for Calum.

They would mock him to no end.

"Oh, I hope Calum didn't notice the way I was staring at him."

"Gosh that boy has a cute butt."

"I just want to slam Calum up against a wall and snog his face off." They would say in ridiculous, girly voices. Luke had given up on trying to stop them and just let it happen. It was hard for him to deny his feelings.

Luke was out of luck, though, because the boy he was in love with was undeniably straight. In fact, he went out on dates with girls pretty often, so Luke was forced to spend most nights alone in their shared flat.

"Mate why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Ashton asked him one night.

"I could never do that," Luke protested. "He'd hate me forever."

Michael rolled his eyes. "He probably like you back, the way you two flirt all the time."

Luke just shook his head, thinking there was no possible way Calum could like some one like him. For one he was a BOY and Calum like GIRLS.

"I bet he likes dick,"

"I bet he likes Luke's dick,"

"He's never seen Luke's dick,"

"You don't know that,"

"Luke, has Calum ever seen your dick?"

But Luke didn't answer. He just continued to stare off into space, letting his friends debate about 'Cake'.

At some point Michael and Ashton must have gotten up and left, because the next person Luke was aware of being in the room was Calum Hood.

Calum Hood who stole Luke's heart and wasn't giving it back any time soon.

"You okay mate?" Calum asked, seeing the way Luke wasn't really paying attention to anything.

Luke snapped out of his daze as soon as he heard Calum's voice. "Y-yeah I'm fine," he said.

Calum shrugged and headed into their kitchen to make himself something to eat. Like couldn't help but check out his ass and that's when he realized that unless Calum magically decided to love him back and let him know about it, Luke was going to spend the rest of his life in love with his heterosexual best friend and he didn't want that to happen.

So Luke got up from his spot on the couch and headed into the kitchen after Calum.

"H-hey, um, Calum?" Luke asked, tentatively.

"Yeah?" Calum responded, turning around from where he was looking in the fridge.

Luke gulped, obviously nervous. Calum's loose jeans and lack of shirt weren't doing much to help him either.

"Uh- um- I, uh," Luke didn't know how to say what he wanted to. Calum was straight. So he could never like Luke like that. The blonde boy was basically setting himself up for rejection.

"You sure you're okay Luke?" Calum was starting to get worried about his friend.

"Yeah I'm fine," Luke sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Listen Calum I love you," Luke rushed out suddenly.

Calum froze and stared at the younger boy.

"You what?" He asked, stunned.

"Yeah, I- uh- I love you. As in, like, more than a friend. I really do. And it's okay if you don't like me back, I just couldn't hold it in an-" but Luke was cut off by the dark haired boy's lips on his. Luke didn't know why Calum was kissing him- he didn't even know if he meant it. But when the love of your life kisses you, you kiss back.

And so they kissed for an incredibly long time until Calum broke it off, shortening his kisses down to a few pecks.

"I love you too, Luke," he whispered softly, resting his forehead against the blonde's. "And I'm sorry it took me this long to realize how I felt."

Luke couldn't stop grinning. "It's fine," he promised. "But I thought you were straight?"

"You know Luke, I would've turned gay for you any day, and it happened. I love you."


So there's that

That was cute

But then again

Cake's always cute


I'm sirius

Did you catch that
Two Harry Potter puns in one author's note
It's like Christmas came early whhhaaatttttt

~Ashy LynnnXXXXXX

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