To Have and To Hold [Nouis-AU]

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hey look an update (I'm sorry I really like sleeping ok)

yay for high school AUs and Ashtyn not being able to hang out on saturdays

okay Cecilia this is your prom thig you wanted me to write and I tried to write Mashton, I really did, but I just couldn't do it so there's side Mashton instead please don't hate me


To Have and To Hold [Nouis-AU]~

"She's absolutely lurid,"

That's Louis Tomlinson for you. He was a junior in high school who had always liked dancing more than girls, talked with his hands, and said things like "lurid."

"She knows I'm gay, I know she does because, mind you, everyone knows I'm gay," Louis continued adamantaly.

Niall just sat and listened patiently to his friend-but-not-boyfriend rattle on. Not that he minded. Niall loved listening to the brunette boy talk. He loved being able to watch the way his lips moved around the big words he used. Big words to match his big personality. That's the other thing-- everything about Louis just fit together. He was real.

"And yet she won't leave me the hell alone! Sarah's so fake as well. With her fifteen pounds of makeup and dyed hair-- not that I don't like your hair Nialler, you know I do. Her highlights just look trashy."

Unlike Sarah apparently.

"Like, if you can't comport yourself correctly, then don't bother with me, hon." Niall nodded, admiring Louis' eyes.

The blonde's friend sighed exasperatedly, taking a seat on the ground in front Niall. It was third period and they were in choir-- the only class they shared. Their teacher, however, was working with the girls for the entire period, so the boys had been dismissed into the hallway for the day.

Niall crossed his legs tighter, making more room for the other blue eyed boy. They liked to sit close to each other.

If you asked Niall Horan who he was interested in he would tell you flat out it was Louis. The blonde was pretty sure Louis fancied him back, too. At least, he acted that way. But then again, Louis was an actor-- in Drama and everything-- so he acted a lot of things.

"Who're you taking to prom?" Louis wondered. He had claimed Niall's large, guitar-worn hands as his own and was now playing with the taller boy's fingers.

Niall took a slow breath before answering. "Not Darren."

"Oh, but why not," The brunette now released his friend's hand.

"Because I don't like him! He's boring, and insecure, and dramatic."

"I'm dramatic," Louis stated.

"Yes, but you're the good kind, Love."


"Michael and Ashton are going to prom together!"

That's Louis Tomlinson for you, always the first one to know the performing arts kids' gossip.

It was two days after their last prom converation. Today in chorus class, they had actually had to rehearse for the first half of the period, before the teacher released them into the hallway once again.

Niall smiled. "That's good for them. They're cute together."

The blonde was about to ask who had asked whom when Louis began speaking. "'That's good for them?' It's more than "good" for them, Ni. With them it's just constant oeillades. And they're more than "cute" together-- they're absolutely beguiling. You realize they're inchoation had to be way back sometime in elementary school?"

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