Niall's Not Hurt [Nosh]

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Prompt from JellyBeanstar245: okay can u do one when Josh and Niall like each other and everyone tries crazy ways to get them together until finally idk they make out and everything is happy happy happy

and the answer is yes I can except this isn't really your prompt but it has nosh, and crazy, and making out so good enough?



Niall's Not Hurt [Nosh]~

Josh Devine hopped down the hallway of his and his boyfriend's apartment, pulling his Vans on at the same time. They were getting ready to go out clubbing with One Direction and the rest of the band.

Josh stopped in front of a mirror in the living room to give himself a once over. He ran a hand through his blonde-tipped hair and straightened his shirt.

"Holy shit," he heard an Irish voice say from behind him. The drummer looked over his shoulder in the mirror to see Niall standing behind him. His eyes were cast down. "Your arse," the singer said, helping himself to a handful of it. "Looks incredible in these pants. Have I not seen these before?"

Josh giggled, turning away from the glass to face his boyfriend. "I got them with the gift card Zayn gave me for my birthday," the brunette replied.

The taller boy planted a soft kiss on his boyfriend's nose. "Well you look fit as fuck." This cause Josh to laugh again because Niall could be so cute, yet so sexual at the same time. "You ready to go?" The blonde asked.

"Yeah- but, um, Ni baby?" Josh had a habit of calling Niall 'Ni baby' instead of just 'Ni' or 'Baby.'

"Yes, Love?"

"Could you, um, not drink tonight?" Josh's request was quiet but still audible.

"Huh?" Niall's face wore a look of confusion.

Josh finally looked his boyfriend in the eyes. "I don't know you just, like, drink a lot. And it's dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt. You know, alcohol poisoning or something-"

"Love," Niall cut him off. "I won't get hurt. It's just a bit of beer, yeah?"

Josh sighed, resting his forehead against the younger boy's shoulder. He knew that anything else he tried to say to Niall about the subject would just go in one ear and out the other. "Yeah, okay."


Niall had had a tough day, to be fair. That doesn't excuse his behavior, but it's a reason as to why he did it.

Management was yelling at him. Well, at all the boys, about "hiding their relationships better." It was mostly directed towards Niall, however, as he had been visiting Josh on stage more frequently during performances.

So Niall was upset, and coming home to a Josh-less flat with no one to cheer him up didn't help.

The blonde lad decided to crack open a beer, because that's what he did when he was upset. But that single beer slowly turned into three and surely became nearly ten. Maybe it was because he just hurt so much, and the alcohol took the pain away.

Josh arrived at their house at around 7:00 PM. Niall passed out at the kitchen table was one of the last things he expected to find. After all, Niall had agreed to only drink when they went out or on special occasions just last night.

He was both mad and worried. What if Niall had alcohol poisoning?

If there was one thing Josh knew it was that he couldn't live without his boyfriend.

"Ni baby?" Josh shook the younger boy's shoulder.

"Hhm," Niall grunted, lifting his head out of his arms. Yeah, he was definitely drunk.

"C'mon, Niall, let's get you to bed," the drummer reached to pick Niall up (something he could do easily.)

"No!" The blonde boy shouted stumbling out of his chair and away from Josh. "Fuck you...!"

The brunette sighed heavily. "Ni baby," he felt like he was going to cry now. "This is what I meant when I said you should stop drinking!" Okay, now he was crying.

"Jesus, Josh, what is the big fucking deal! It's just a couple beers!!"

"Ni, it's not 'a couple!'" He counted. "It's nine. In a row-!"

"FUCK YOU JOSH," Niall bellowed. His accent was thick, and Niall was loud, and Josh was scared. "Can't you just fucking leave me alone!?" The singer marched forward, pushing the forgotten chair to the ground.

"Y-you're drunk," Josh said quietly, a salty tear slipping down his cheek.

"You don't have to be so uptight all the time, you know!" Niall hadn't heard his boyfriend at all.

"Okay, fine. Forget it," the shorter boy said, turning to leave. He was planning on locking himself in their bedroom and letting Niall pass out in the kitchen so this could all be better in the morning.

"Don't walk away from me," the younger boy growled. Niall grabbed Josh's wrist, forcing him to turn around. Josh was sobbing now and if anything it made Niall mad. He slammed his boyfriend against the wall, still gripping Josh's wrist.

"N-Ni baby," the drummer stuttered out. "Please st-stop." His head hurt almost as much as the pain in his chest.

But Niall didn't stop.


Niall awoke on a couch.

It wasn't his and Josh's couch, that for sure. In fact, it was Harry and Louis' couch. Niall knew almost right away since he was over there quite often (him and Lou played football outside in the summer and FIFA inside in the winter.)

The next thing the Irish lad's hungover mind was able to comprehend was how much pain he in. His head was pounding, he was sore all over, and he felt like he was about to-

Niall quickly sat up, leaning over the edge of the couch, emptying the contents of his stomach onto his friends' floor.

"You're cleaning that up," he heard a voice from behind him. Pushing through his hangover, Niall twisted his body to see Louis standing in the doorway.

"How'd I get 'ere?" The blonde boy grumbled, rubbing his forehead.

Louis shrugged. "You showed up late last night piss drunk. Neither Harry or I wanted you to get hurt so we let you stay over. You wouldn't shut up about Josh and how much you hated him or something. Did you two get in a fight? 'Cause-"

"Josh," Niall gasped, shooting up from the couch. The head rush came quickly and he was soon seeing nothing but black spots. That didn't stop him from rushing out of Louis and Harry's flat, though, because now he was remembering Josh crying and whimpering "stop" and Niall needed to make sure he was alright.

Running out of the apartment building and out onto the street, the Irish boy began sprinting the two blocks back to his and Josh's house. His head was pounding and he almost threw up again, but he made it in a matter of minutes.

"Key, key, key..." Niall muttered to himself while feeling through all of his pockets. "Dammit!" He cried, kicking the door in frustration. Knowing that Josh was in there, possibly injured, and that there wasn't a thing he could do about it killed him.

The spare key! The thought came to Niall seconds later. He lifted the doormat and fumbled with the metal object for a moment before successfully opening the door.

"Josh?" Niall called out as he entered their home. "Love?"

As soon as he stepped foot into the living room, Niall noticed what a mess everything was. The wood coffee table was missing two legs, picture frames had been smashed, leaving broken glass everywhere, the couch couch ions we're scattered about the room, and there, in the center of it all, was Josh.

He had a black eye.

"Josh," Niall gasped out reaching out for his boyfriend. The drummer, however, cowered away. "What happened, Love. Who did this? And who the hell punched you? I sw-"

"Are you fucking serious, Niall?" Josh's voice broke as he spoke his boyfriend's name. "You did this."

The words hit the younger lad like a freight train. He was trying to remember now, but all he could come up with was that he had been drunk. He couldn't have done this, though. "No," Niall shook his head in disbelief. "No way. I-I couldn't have done this, I couldn't have hi-"

"Yeah, well I didn't know you could do it either!" Niall didn't remember when Josh had started crying, but now his sobs rang throughout the flat. "But you d-did!"

"Josh, Love," Niall reached out for Josh once again.

The shorter boy shook his head, a broken sob escaping his lips, as he stepped back even further.

"I didn't- I didn't mean to, Love, you have to believe that,"

Josh shrugged wiping furiously at his tears. "I don't know what to believe anymore," Niall could feel his headache worsening. "You should go," Josh said, all of the sudden cold.

"I can't leave you, Love. I won't," stated Niall.

"Fine," Josh snapped. "Then I'll go,"

The rest was a blur as Niall watched his boyfriend leave the living room. He chased him down the front hall, of course, pleading with him to stay, but Josh wouldn't listen to any of it.

And then he was just gone.

Throughout the day it all came back to him. Niall recalled getting chewed by management, coming home, and drinking ten beers. He was beyond drunk he took his anger out on Josh, yet he remembered it all soon enough. He remembered the yelling, screaming, and crying. He even remembered the feeling of Josh's cheek under his fist when he- well he didn't want to think about it.

Josh didn't answer Niall's calls for four days.


He had gone to Sandy's house.

They had always been good friends, Josh being One Direction's drummer and Sandy being their bass guitarist, so he knew he could count on him.

"Sure dude! You can stay here as long as you need to," Sandy had told him. He also didn't question Josh's black eye, which he was thankful for.

Sometime around the second night Josh had stayed in Sandy's house, Sandy finally asked him what was up, and why he wasn't living with Niall any longer (because any idiot with eyes could see that Niall and Josh were in love as any two people could be.)

So the drummer cried and told him entire story. Sandy hugged his friend and got him tissues. Then he ran to the store to buy Identity Thief and cookie dough ice cream so they could just have a night in, but by the time he got back, Josh was passed out on the couch.

Niall called him constantly. Josh wanted to answer and have the singer make it better, have everything be okay again. At the same time, however, Josh felt like nothing Niall could say would fix it, so he didn't pick up.

On the fourth night that Josh was gone Niall received a text from Sandy (the blonde knew where Josh had been staying by this time, as he had told his band mates the whole story.)

'hey man u wanna go clubbin?' The message read.

The first thing Niall thought was /alcohol/ which he now hated. The day after his boyfriend left, the Irishman had gotten rid of every drop in their flat. He never wanted to touch it again.

Niall had figured out that, yeah, he wouldn't get hurt if he drank, but Josh would.

The second thing the blonde lad thought was maybe Josh will be there. Which is when he immediately replied: 'sure mate! what time?' To the text.

He dressed in skinny jeans and a button down shirt that he saved for special dates with Josh. That was the one thing he had come to hate about their home. Everything reminded him of Josh.

Niall never thought he could miss someone like this, like he had his left arm and leg cut off. Josh Devine was the first thing he thought of when he woke up and the last thing he thought of before he slipped into a cold, dreamless sleep. His boyfriend truly was his sun and moon.

Niall missed his lips and the way they formed around his name, around his own lips. Niall missed Josh's muscular arms that, even though Josh was smaller than Niall, could lift him off the ground easily. The blonde boy missed his drummer's big brown eyes that could get Niall to do anything they asked.

Hoping to see Josh there, the Irish lad got in a cab, reciting the address Sandy had texted him to the driver.

The ride seemed to take hours, while in reality it was mere minutes. Niall found the knot of anticipation in his stomach grow larger with each block to the point where, by the time the cabbie had arrived at the club, Niall felt like vomiting all over the sidewalk.

He knew he shouldn't have been too surprised when he entered the club to find it Josh-less, but Niall was still disappointed.

It wasn't just that Josh was gone, it was that he had chosen to leave.

Not that Niall could really blame him.

Liam caught the blonde boy's eye from the bar, but Niall just shook his head and left the building. Sometime between calling another taxi and locking the door to his flat behind him, the singer decided that he was going to go get Josh back, even if he got rejected, even if it was the last thing he ever did.


As soon as Niall had raised his fist to knock on Sandy's door, it opened. It was clear Sandy was about to head out considering he had his sunglasses and keys in his hand, and was currently putting his wallet in his back pocket.

"Hi," Niall said.

"Hey man," Sandy greeted the blonde, grasping Niall's left hand and taking him in for a bro-hug. He didn't clasp him on the back, though, seeing as Niall had his guitar slung backwards across his chest. "So," Sandy pulled back, looking Niall straight in the face. "You hit your boyfriend, mate."

Niall swallowed, nodding. "Yeah. I- uh- yeah. I didn't mean to though! You know I was dr-"

"Niall I know, I understand. Josh told me the whole story. He's just inside, down the hall, in the guest room. Probably sleeping. It's practically all he does. Josh misses you a lot, mate. Go get him," Sandy stepped to the side motioning inside his flat.

Smiling gratefully Niall breathed out a "Thank you," and began walking in.

"And Niall," the bassist caught his shoulder, stopping him.


"There's condoms in the top kitchen drawer on the left,"

The singer gave Sandy a weary look. "Thanks?"

"No problem mate. Good luck," the dark haired lad then left to do whatever he had been planning to.

Niall wandered into Sandy's apartment, taking in his surroundings. Down the hall, in the guest room.

The knock on the door scared living shit out of Josh, to say the least. "Sandy? I thought you were going out,"

"It's, um," oh shit. "It's not Sandy, Love," Josh knew that now. He knew who the Irish accent belonged to. It was the voice that floated around his dreams. The voice he loved so dearly.

"Niall," Josh murmured once his boyfriend was fully inside the room.

"Love," the blonde said again, removing his guitar from around his back. "Here me out, yeah?"


"I love you," Josh was cut off. "I love you more than you'll ever know. Can I- Can I sing you something?" Niall was now sitting on the edge of Josh's bed.

Josh nodded yes and moved a little closer to his boyfriend. "Okay," he said, nearly inaudible.

The blonde boy cleared his throat as he began strumming the soft chords meant for piano on his guitar (his guitar that he had let Josh name, too. It was called Georgie.)



"What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in, and you kicking me out," Josh had always had a soft spot for Niall's singing, and this was no exception.

"Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down. What's going on in that beautiful mind?" The way Niall's lips formed around the heartfelt words made Josh dizzy.

The younger lad's Irish accent was prominent as he sang the next line. "I'm on your magical mystery ride.
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright,"

"My head's under water, but I'm breathing fine. You're crazy and I'm out of my mind," which was true. The pair was crazy in thinking things could ever work under the circumstances of constantly being watched by the public eye. At the same time, there was no way they could be apart.

"'Cause all of me loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me; I'll give my all to you.
You're my end and my beginning. Even when I lose I'm winning. 'Cause I give you all, all of me. And you give me all, all of you, oh," Josh begun crying sometime during the chorus, at least, Niall thought.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Even when you're crying you're beautiful, too," the song was so relevant at the moment.

"The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood. You're my downfall, you're my muse. My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues. I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you," Niall often told Josh he was the reason he sang, his motivation to keep going.

The blue eyed boy finished his song and apology. After the final strum of Georgie, Josh launched forward and captured Niall's lips in own.

The kiss was sloppy, unpracticed, and wet with both of their tears. Both boys were trying to say so much and feel each other all at once. "I," Josh gasped out between kisses. "Love- You- Too- Ni baby,"

"I missed you- so much," Niall groaned, pulling Josh down on top of him. "I'm sorry for what I did," the taller boy breathed out, resting his forehead against his boyfriend's, their kisses ceasing.

"I know," Josh pecked the singer's lips. "I forgive you, and I'm sorry it took me five days. I was upset, you know?"

"You had every right to be," Niall reached up to brush away the older lad's tears.

"I love you,"

"I tossed all the alcohol in our flat,"

Josh smiled at his boyfriend's words. "Yeah?"

"Mmh hm," Niall hummed, pressing his moth to Josh's quickly. "I hate the stuff now, really. I'm never drinking again- unless we're, like, going out, or somethin'"

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Josh cried, giving Niall little kisses all across his face.

"You're welcome, Love,"

"Can we go home? I miss home," Josh stated.

"Really? I hate it without you there,"

"Well then, let's fix that."


I never been this proud

Not only is Nosh my otp but I've never written anything as long and complex as this by myself


~vio lyn

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