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Eleanor got ready that morning while the 3 were still sound asleep on her living room floor.

But the pain of her bruises slowed her down.

She ignored it and tied her hair up.

Eleanor walked down the stairs in a formal attire and bit her lip as the pain increased with each step she took.

She stared at her friends and sighed.

Eleanor still had an hour till she had to go.

"Wake up dickwads."

* * *

Andrew sighed that morning.

Confusion ran across his face.

He still had no explanation for everything.

All he knew was that he and Eleanor were being targeted for years and she tried her best to stop it.

His father, Noah, didn't manage to get any sleep that night.

Noah was absolutely clueless about everything.

He just opened the door last night and his son was messed up and his wife was in jail and her sentence was to be said today at court.

Noah knew his sons life was crazy, so he offered to run the business for now, but he had no idea that his wife was hell bound on helping their son.

He yawned and continued reading the news about them.

Andrew walked out of his room.

The halls were silent.

His father was sipping his coffee as he typed on his laptop.

The atmosphere was different.

He ignored it and showered.

And just like Eleanor, he exited his room in formal attire.

"Father, get ready."

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