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Eleanor sighed.

Jacob was over at her house to talk.

"El, isn't this what you want? For his reputation to break?"

"Yeah, but it just happened so quickly and- I don't know Jake, it just feels weird. I can't explain it though."

Jacob urged her to continue.

"Well uh- I just feel like something bad's gonna happen," She exhaled.

"Just calm down, for once, maybe fate is on your side," He reassured.

Eleanor smiled and drank her coffee.

They continued talking, but Eleanor was just distracted.

Something bad is going to happen.

* * *

The next morning, Eleanor went out to eat lunch with someone.

Her bodyguard followed her as paparazzi raided the mall.

Cameras flashed and journalists screamed questions.

While Eleanor remained unbothered.

"Miss Grey, What do you have to say about Mr Cunnings' confession?!"

"How are you doing?!"

"Are you in a relationship right now!?"

She sighed and covered her face with her hands.

"How did they even know I was coming here?"Eleanor muttered.

She entered the restaurant and met eyes with a familiar brunette.

"Eleanor!" The girl smiled, calling her over.

The restaurant was packed and everyone immediately noticed her.

They stared and she simply walked over.

"It's been a while, Bailey."

"2 months to be exact."

"Thanks for convincing him about the truth," Eleanor smiled gratefully, referring to Andrew.

"If it weren't for your research I don't know I would've done it."

Eleanor sat down and Bailey grinned back.

The two laughed and joked around as they ate their lunch.

They talked about how they first met we here Bailey met up with Eleanor in the mall, around the time of Eleanor's recovery, where Bailey explained to about the cheating and Eleanor immediately forgave her.

Bailey then became Eleanor's fashion designer and the two even worked together to start a new clothing line.

Since then the two became friends, but due to Eleanor's busy schedule, they didn't have the time to meet up again.

Until now.

* * * * * *


Sorry for the filler, writers block really sucks.

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