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"Tell anyone what happened or whatever the hell you heard, I will sue and take everything from you!" Andrew shouted at the cast members who were taken back from the whole outburst.

"Andrew why can't you just understand that she's breaking because of you," Jacob pleaded.

The guests noticed the tension and looked to Jacob permission to leave.

He nodded and they left his house in a rush.

"Stop defending her!"

"She's my friend and you're just an asshole!"

"She slept with you to get the role didn't she?" Andrew chuckled bitterly.

"I don't know who you think you are to think like that! Eleanor came to me when you divorced her! Do you know how many nights she spent crying seeing your girlfriends on the news!"

Andrew looked shocked.

"So if you think she's the type of girl to sleep with someone for a role then you're wrong! Do you even know that she wrote most of the script! Eleanor is strongest woman I have ever met, and someone like you doesn't deserve her."

"Now leave my house!"

Andrew puffed and slammed the door.

Jacob sighed.

He didn't want him in his movie anymore, but the role seemed to fit, and there's no way he could afford to lose him.

So with that, he helped his maids clean up the dinner that was supposed to bring them together.


Eleanor woke up from her bed, checking the time.

It was 7 am on a Saturday.

Reality slapped her on the face and she realised what she had said last night.

Eleanor didn't feel like doing anything and was just utterly shocked.

The whole cast now knows about Andrew's infidelity.

And they weren't supposed to know, not until her plan is finished, at least.

She showered and got changed into a hoodie and sweatpants.

She went down for breakfast where she ate a bowl of cereal while watching Netflix.

A few minutes later and a small knock on her door startled her.

Eleanor wasn't expecting anyone and Olivia and Jacob are both busy.

She reluctantly opened the door and who she saw shocked her.

"Nico- Nicholas." She said bluntly.


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