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her past:

16 year old Eleanor woke up from her bed.

She ran downstairs excitedly to meet the eyes of her parents.

Sadly the feeling wasn't mutual.

Her family, her mom, her dad and her brother Nico were laughing downstairs.

When they saw that the black haired 16 year old entered the room, the atmosphere changed.

Eleanor never really felt at home in the place where she was supposed to.

But she remained positive and was still grateful she had a roof over her head.

Nico finished his breakfast and kissed his mom on the cheek and ran off to school.

Her dad went upstairs, his arms brushing past Eleanor.

A small good morning was all she ever wanted but never received.

Her mom ignored Eleanor's stare and cleaned up herself breakfast.

Within seconds, her mom was gone too.

She sighed and grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat there eating breakfast alone.

Eleanor hated being alone.

She hated feeling unwanted by the people she wanted the most.

Eleanor ran upstairs and entered her large room.

Her parents gave her all the money and things she ever wanted just so she wouldn't bother them.

She only ever wanted to be loved by them again.

Her grades dropped 3 years ago, when she first entered high school.

She couldn't handle the stress and her parents stopped loving her and just forced her to keep them up.

She went from getting straight A's to having D's.

Eleanor was incredibly shy and didn't join any clubs,

She had no talents that were outstanding and kept her paintings to herself.

Her parents were ashamed of her and started to become disappointed and slowly fell out of love.

Her parents were famous dancers and her brother received many scholarships for his grades and football.

They were known for being interesting and popular.

Compared to them, Eleanor was boring.

Being labeled by her brother as boring, to everyone she was boring.

She hated that word so much.

Eleanor hated being labeled.

She despised her family's neglect.

She just wanted to run away from everyone.

But Olivia and Andrew held her up.

They tried to convince her that her parents still care.

Dancing completed their family and since Eleanor gave that up for her friends and other talents, her family hated her more.

They hated her relationships and believed Andrew Cunnings and Olivia Stevenson had a much higher status that Eleanor and said she was embarrassing them.


"Get out of this household now!" Her father shouted making Eleanor wince.

"How could you embarrass us like that!" This time her mother was screaming.

Eleanor was auditioning for a role in the nutcracker like her mother and father once did, but forgot her moves and mucked everything up.

"You are such a disappointment!"

"You were hanging out with that Cunnings kids weren't you? You know he's a terrible influence!" Her father growled

"You can't paint nor write! You are continuing our legacy and dancing!"

"Ignore what that boy says!"

"People are uploading your audition everywhere, you have ruined our name!"

"Now, get out!" Her father shouted throwing her suitcase outside.

Eleanor ran outside sobbing and her mother slammed the door.

She didn't know what to do.

She walked to the park and sat on the bench.

And so she called up Olivia.

"Liv, p-please pick me up," She cried.

"What the heck happened El? Where are you?"

Eleanor gave her the address and Olivia picked her up and told her parents.

She was sound asleep in Olivia's couch while Olivia's parents were talking to Olivia.

"As much as we want to Liv, we can't take El, we're moving to France again, haven't you told her?"

Olivia sighed and called Andrew.

He went over to Liv's house to come and see Eleanor.

"I'm really sorry about this Drew-" Liv's mom said,

"It's perfectly fine for her to stay at my house, until we can reason out with her parents, my mom loves her a lot anyways."


Eleanor's parents never contacted El again and so Andrea, allowed Eleanor to stay until she turned 18.

So when she turned 18 she got her own apartment.

When she married Andrew at 20, they lived together at Andrew's house.

And slowly, Eleanor's family was just a thing from her past.

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