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His Secretary went to the stand.

"Mr Cunnings will come back soon."

Andrew fiddled around and loosened his collar.

Fans watched it Live and felt betrayed.

Some felt guilty for taking Andrew's side during the drama.

And he finally went back to the stand.

"I'm sorry to everyone I have hurt."

"Especially Eleanor."

"I have also hurt my mistress, who had no idea that I was married because I had lied. I will keep her anonymous but I'm trying to fix things."

"What happened afterwards?!"

"Well, 3 years after our marriage, Eleanor overdosed and that's when I found out, she knew about my infidelity for long time."

The crowd booed.

"Months into her coma, someone gave me photos of her giving information of mine to an enemy, which it happened to be a proposal to end our rivalry."

"I didn't trust her and divorced her due to it, while she was still in a depressed state."

"I started rumours which you all believed, and it ruined her."

"Please forgive me."

And with that, he ran off once more.

* * *

Eleanor watched the television, shocked.

Shaking, she shut it off.

The truth was out.

And Eleanor didn't know what to do.

What would happen to her reputation.

Would everyone pity her?

She didn't want that.

Eleanor didn't want to be seen as a victim.

She just wanted a normal life.

But as always, her past came back to haunt her.

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