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I'm sorry for the late update, I've been busy.
But Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or any other holiday you celebrate!

* * * * * *

"I hate this place!"

Nicholas sighed.

"Mom, get used to it, this is my apartment and since your bankrupt, I'm your last resort."

Rose puffed.

"Well, until Eleanor comes around and once she does, we'll be swimming in gold once more!" She grinned.

"And what makes you so sure she'll come 'round?" Nicholas shook his head.

"I don't know but I'll assure you, she'll give in."

* * *

Eleanor couldn't help the smile on her face when she saw Andrews career fall.

She trusted Jacob and Bailey when they said nothing was gonna happen.

And so far, nothing had.

But the whereabouts of Andrew were unknown.

Shortly after the confession, he hasn't returned to the public eye and has rumoured to be with his mother, Andrea in New York.

Meanwhile, news headlines were just about his confessions.

Talking about the rumours he started about Eleanor and how he manipulated the media/everyone.

Eleanor lived peacefully, even finishing some scenes of her.

But yet, she still needed him for the movie.

* * *

Rose went out to buy groceries, but with a budget, infuriating her.

It was 8pm and whenever she needed something she'd always just call someone.

Used to having her personal maids buy everything for her, she was struggling.

"What the hell does a peach look like?" She muttered.

Rose went out to the car park to call Nicholas.

"Pick up idiot!"

Rose was practically screaming in frustration.

Since it was late, no one was out in the car park.

Not knowing the dangers of being out late, Rose wasn't cautious.

A man, slowly walked closer to the enraged woman.

The man inched closer and closer.

And in a swift motion, he put a bag over her head and handcuffed her.

She screamed once more.

The man forced a cloth for her to sniff.

She tried to take his hands off of her but he was too strong and she was handcuffed.

Rose, not knowing it was chloroform, continued inhaling the cloth and breathing.

She continued fighting and kicking the man.

In less than 10 minutes, she slowly started to weaken.

Minutes passed and she struggled to keep her eyes open as Rose still heavily inhaled the chloroform.

Finally, Rose fainted and fell into the mans arms.

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