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People in suits bust through the door.

Eleanor's face paled and Andrea looked to Riley for help.

They grabbed the girls.

Eleanor resisted and kicked whoever the person was.

He/She stepped back in pain as Eleanor attempted to run.

Andrea and Riley were handcuffed and a damp cloth with Chloroform was covering their faces.

Eleanor realised it was chloroform and shouted "Do not breath it in!"

The people surrounded Eleanor as her face was laced with fear.

She didn't know where to go.

Eleanor learnt self defence when she was on her own and still continues to do now, for safety.

She couldn't run and they outnumbered her.

Eleanor knew that Andreas house was one out of 3 houses in that neighbourhood and calling out for help would be useless, no one would hear.

She frantically backed away but the people finally grabbed her.

Eleanor was handcuffed and punched multiple times to weaken her, one hitting her in the face.

Eleanor eyes began to heavy but she refused to close them.

She was tired and forced to breath into a cloth.

Eleanor once again didn't oblige and avoided the cloth but they still forced it into her.

In fear, she looked to Andrea and Riley, but panicked noticing they were unconscious and being carried outside.

But her panic only led Eleanor to breath into a cloth.

Her face was still in pain because of the punch and her head was pounding.

Her eyes refused to stay open and after a solid 10 minutes of resisting, Eleanor blacked out.

* * *

"I told you to bring her here unharmed!" A lady screamed.

Eleanor's eyes were closed but she was finally conscious, only hearing them.

"She resisted and we didn't know what to do."

"I don't know why I haven't fired you guys yet, you led the police here and now you disobey my order!"

Eleanor blinked rapidly in an attempt to see clearer.

Everything in her eyes was blurred and she tried to rub them but her hands were tied behind her back.

Things got clearer and Eleanor lifted her head to see.

But everything was dark apart from the bright light shining on her.

Her legs and arms were tied to a metal chair.

"Boss, she awake," Someone coughed.

"Good, now shut up."

Eleanor realised this persons voice was muffled, perhaps she was wearing a mask.

"Good evening, Miss Grey," This person said as she quickly came into view.

Eleanor glared.

"Reveal yourself, coward," She spat, referring to the masked lady.

She was dressed in a black coat, wearing thigh lengthens boots.

"Not yet, Eleanor," She smiled behind her mask.

"Where are Andrea and Riley?"

"They're in the other room, but I would like to introduce myself."

Eleanor's eyes widened and stared.

"I'm the infamous B, the one that's been hunting you out for decades."

Suddenly all the lights turned out and Eleanor closed her eyes, she tried to adjust to the sudden change of lighting.

She opened her eyes and noticed Andrew was gagged and tied to another chair, glaring at the two men surrounding him.

"Let him speak," She said nonchalantly towards the men.

Andrew coughed and yelled, "Let me go you bastards."

Eleanor sighed, knowing they wouldn't do that.

She's been trained for situations like these.

Eleanor observed her surroundings, trying to find objects that could untie her.

She was in a metal chair so she wouldn't be able to break it like a wooden one.

Eleanor quickly snapped out of her thoughts when B began speaking.

"As you know I'm not working alone," She looked at Eleanor, holding her chin high.

Andrews face morphed into confusion.

"You haven't told Dear Andrew about my doings? I'm offended," She falsely gasped, holding her hand to her chest.

She turned to Andrew and smiled beneath her black mask.

"Since high school, I've loved yo great, but she took everything," B pointed at Eleanor.

"She stole many things from me, so I've been for her head for years." B sneered, turning her head to Eleanor.

"I was the one who gave you those photos of her!" She chuckled.

Andrews face contorted into confusion.


"And after this is done, she won't be a problem to us anymore."

Eleanor quickly tried to rip her hands out of handcuffs in panic.

"Darling, those wont come off, I made them as tight as they can be," She turned to Eleanor.

"Who are you!" Andrew screamed.

"Now now, lets not rush things."

"I want to introduce you to one of my workers, she recently joined me in an attempt to gain money because Eleanor refused."

Her face fell into realisation.

Rose entered the room and smirked.

"Hello daughter."

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