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For the past week, they have been rehearsing the start, but haven't started filming yet.

And the whole time, Andrew was too focused on trying to make Eleanor jealous and hurt, but Eleanor didn't even spare him a glance only making him look like a fool.

While some did hurt her, she hid them, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her hurt.

She was sitting down in a chair, talking to Audrey.

They laughed and noticed Andrew walking in with the same Blonde girl he had during the meeting.

Eleanor ignored him.

People stared confused how Rebecca was even able to enter the building as it was strictly only for the actors.

They weren't on set yet, but it was still out of bound to others.

She confidently strutted in with Andrew on her side.

Jacob came in and hugged Rebecca, confusing everyone, again.

"Uh guys, I want to introduce to you Rebecca Buckingham, my cousin."

People waved at her, shocked.

Eleanor didn't care at all, as long as Rebecca doesn't start a fight with Eleanor, she was only gonna smile an wave.

"She's been begging- asking to see how the movie is, as she is now Andrew's fiancé."

She showed everyone the ring Andrew recently gave her yesterday night, while he smirked in pride at Eleanor.

Eleanor stared closely and noticed,

It was her ring.

She wanted to cry and scream at him but she didn't.

And she rolled her eyes.

"Bastard got another one," She muttered to herself, acting like it didn't affect her.

Although it did.

But she hid it, like usual.

Andrew recently, has been infamous for having many girlfriends and well, Rebecca is the 3rd girl he proposed to, counting Eleanor as one too.

"I'm just here to support my lovely cousin."

"And my honey boo!" She smiled sweetly as she kissed Andrew on the cheek.

Needless to say, Eleanor held in her vomit.

"You guys may go back to rehearsing, remember that we will start filming in 2 days," Jacob reminded everyone.

Rebecca and Andrew started to walk around and he showed her around.

Eleanor walked up to Jacob, excusing herself to Audrey.

"Why didn't you tell me you were related to Rebecca Buckingham?"

Jacob sighed.

"I hate her, she's been acting like a brat ever since she started dating mer douche over there," He rolled his eyes as he pointed towards Andrew.


Jacob has been noticing Andrew's terrible attempts to make her jealous and as much as Eleanor seems okay, he can tell that some of them seriously hurt her.

*flashback to 2 days ago*

People were talking to Andrew, as he is the biggest star on the movie.

Eleanor stared at the ground bored, not interested in what ever he was saying.

"Eleanor!" Someone shouted.

She looked up and noticed everyone staring at her.


"We were asking, why did you and Andrew get a divorce?"

Eleanor held in her annoyed sigh.

"I swear do these guys know what privacy is," She muttered very quietly.

She looked to Andrew, who had an amused smile.

"Uh- Well we just sorta fell out of love," She improvised.

"I can't believe you would ever let a man like Andrew, fall right out of you hands! I would kill to be you."

If only they truly knew what happened.

"What about you Andrew? Why do you think you got a divorce?"

"I got bored of her," He spoke bluntly.

They went quiet as Eleanor winced.

That one sentence was to her every time she auditioned.

Magazines had headlines saying how Andrew Cunnings, got bored of his untalented wife.

Whenever she went partying or clubbing, people would call her untalented and say how they could see why Andrew got bored of her.

She smiled softly and walked towards the bathroom, people stared and Andrew felt proud.

He got to her again.

*Flashback over*

Eleanor sighed as she remembered the times where Andrew would purposely show off on how he had amazing girlfriends.

He mentioned many times that he found Eleanor clingy and saying all she could do is cook.

People cringed whenever they heard him, most of them idolised Eleanor.

They pitied her as they knew about her overdose, her divorce and the struggles she had to face when building up a new reputation.

Eleanor helped thousands build up their confidence and restructure their careers.

Andrew didn't care.

He didn't care before and he didn't care now.

He didn't see her abilities, he didn't know she could dance nor act.

Andrew just jumped to conclusions as he always did and assumed Eleanor slept with Jacob to get her role.

He never knew the truth, in fact he didn't care about the truth.

He never did.

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