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"The photos they are real."

Andrew's eyes widened and his gut twisted.

"However, before you think it's bad, the photo has a backstory to it and according to the witnesses and Eleanor herself, the file she was handing over was not your private information, it was a proposal, it was to end your stupid Rivalry so your business can live freely," Bailey spoke, showing him the photos and a photo of the file Eleanor had handed.

"Have you had any problems with Jeremy lately?"


Andrew scratched his head, it was all coming together.

"Then she managed to convince him. Andrew, you should be thanking Eleanor, she was sick around this time and it probably took her weeks to even get out of bed due to her depression. Jeremy was plotting something against you and Eleanor acted fast and wisely."

Andrew gawked in terror.

"Then I-I can fix thin-" He stuttered.

"Before you think you can fix things. You are wrong. You cheated on her before the photos, while she was hurting you neglected her and became selfish. Andrew, you even had the audacity to use me to distract you from her.

You knew I don't go online and used that to your advantage. Did you even care about me or her? Were you even gonna tell me you were married?" Bailey asked, her mind clouded by anger because of his ignorance.

"I uh-" He looked around the room.

"See what I mean? Honestly, the best thing you can do right now is apologise, admit your mistakes, tell the world you lied about Eleanor, accept that it was all your fault and accept that she probably will never forgive you," She said, packing up everything.

"By Andrew, good luck! Not," Bailey left, muttering the last bit to herself.

And Andrew once again, remained speechless.

Andrew sighed, then screamed once again.

* * *

t h e
n e x t
d a y.

Eleanor had been living quite a peaceful 2 days.

She had convince Audrey to calm down and heal for the week.

And they haven't been filming either as the other actors were currently filming their roles and they weren't really needed for them.

So she lay on her couch, in shorts and a tank top.

It was currently July and it was burning hot in California

With 3 bowls of popcorn she watched the conjuring.

A small knock knocked Eleanor out or her own world.

She opened the door and sighed.

"Go away," She spoke bluntly.


"No, go away."

"10 minutes please."

"5 and then you leave," Eleanor rolled her eyes and invited the person in.

"And you are not allowed to come to my porch ever again without my permission."


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