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I woke up, ready for the day.

It was Saturday and I have plans to meet Bailey.

I head downstairs but noticed something different.

There was no sign of Eleanor.

The lights were still turned off.

The television wasn't on.

She wasn't eating breakfast nor was she cooking.

Eleanor wasn't reading.

Eleanor wasn't here.

I shrugged it off.

She probably overslept.

So I head upstairs.

I unlock her door gently.

Instead of seeing Eleanor inside her bed, tucked underneath the sheets.

Eleanor was on the ground, pills in her hand, looking lifeless and dull.

Shocked was an understatement, I was horrified.

I ran towards her body and clutching her as I gawked in horror.

I shook her slightly, creating excuses.

Maybe she just fell out of her bed and coincidentally had her pills. I shook my head, she could be gone.

"Eleanor! Please wake up!" I yell, doing CPR as I looked around the room for my phone.

I realised that my phone was in my pocket.

I grab it and dialled 911.

They said they'll be here soon and I continued trying to save her.

I never thought I'd be in this situation, again.


(Arriving at the hospital)

Eleanor was being pulled towards the emergency room, nurses were coming in and out.

Andrew was being pulled out by security into the waiting room.

He wanted to see her.

He didn't want to lose her.

Eleanor was still unconscious.

She had a faint pulse, slow breathing, Eleanor was still alive but not doing well.

She was inside the emergency room and he was in the waiting room.

Andrew forgot one thing.


What was Bailey doing?

Bailey was in her house, waiting for her boyfriend to arrive.

Bailey knew that Andrew was a multi-billionaire famous CEO, so she thought he was just stuck due to the paparazzi.

Bailey looked towards her television.

She rarely went on the tv and if she did, she avoided the channels with drama.

So Bailey decides to check out the news, maybe Andrew was in there.

And he was.

But not in the way Bailey had imagined.

"Andrew Cunnings, billionaire Ceo of Cunning Industries'-"

"-Wife was put into the hospital earlier today."

endless - discontinuedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon