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Olivia exited the hospital with tired and tearful eyes.

It was 11 pm but Olivia didn't care.

She drove to a hotel where she had booked a room, she walked up the stairs and entered her room.

In an instant, Olivia fell into a long sleep.

Andrew didn't.

Andrew was wide awake at his mansion.

He was trembling in fear as he held a new letter.

Andrew hasn't touched a letter since Olivia left, he was scared and obviously hurt by Olivia's words.

But Andrew was much more terrified by this one.


Because unlike the letters that were white and cleanly folded...

This one was crumbled up and had red stains on it.

This certain letter looked tainted.

Andrew didn't want to open it.

He was fearful.

He couldn't handle the other letter, how can he handle this one?

But he knew he had to.

Andrew needed to know.

So with hesitation, he opened the messy letter.


Dear Andrew,

I love you.

I love you with all my heart.

Please remember that.

But I hate you too.

You lied.

You told me that you love me.

And you lied.

If you love me then why did you bring a girl over?

I was on the couch asleep because I was watching tv.

I heard the door.

I heard the moans.

I heard the laughs.

I heard a girl.

You slept with her.

You fucking slept with her.

She was on our bed.

Our bed.

What do I have to do?

Was this the first time?


I saw you distance yourself from me.

I saw you with hickies that you tried to hide.

I saw the red lipstick stains on your shirt.

Yet, I didn't think much of it.

Because I trusted you.

And last night broke that trust.

The trust we've had for 9 years.

She saw me earlier.

Cute girl.

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