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"Look Andrea, I came here to help your son and I escape from this person, I did not come here to fix his life."

"You're right," Andrea exhaled.

"I'm sorry."

"But I swear, I don't hate him, I just feel that this is his karma and he needs to fix it."

"It's fine, you did your role by telling the media off, he needs to do this."

Eleanor smiled.

"Anyways, back to work," Andrea chuckled.

Eleanor called her P.I and she happily agreed to come.

Her private investigator lived about 30 minutes away, but considering Andrea lived in an area full of busy traffic, she would arrive much later.

Eleanor tapped her fingers on the table, yawning.

Andrea noticed this and wanted to start up a conversation.

"While we wait, hows your dating life," Andrea said smirking.

She raised a brow, "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am!" Andrea exclaimed.

She laughed and urged Eleanor to speak.

Eleanor puffed, "To be honest, I'm too preoccupied with the movie, the investigating, I don't feel the need to have another man enter my life."

Andrea urged her to continue.

"And, I don't know, I was so in love with you know- Andrew, that even when we're just friend, I never imagined what it was like to leave him."

Eleanor looked at Andrea, scared to continue.

"I know he's your son and all, but him cheating really scarred me, it's- I'm sorry, I'm rambling again," Eleanor shook her head at the last part.

"No no, continue, you look in need for another ear to listen to you."

"You sure?" Eleanor asked for approval.

Andrea nodded, smiling in the process.

"If I'm be completely honest to you, I'm scared of being in a relationship, I have tried and I have dated but I always mess up."

"I just don't think I'm good enough for anyone."

Andrea didn't need an explanation to her feeling this way and as saddening as it is, her own son was to blame.

"Is-Is it cause of him?" Andrea coughed, referring to Andrew.

"Yes," She nodded.

"But as much as I want to blame him for everything, it is partially my fault, I was too dependent on him to the point I let him break me, just so I can still be with him."

"I was the one that stuck by him allowing myself to believe every single word he spoke about me."

"And as immature as it sounds, I blame myself for everything that has come to me," Eleanor confessed, he voice breaking at the end.

"Is it selfish for me to ask for happiness and love? Because that's what the media tells me."

Andrea stared at her as she let down her facade.

"I tell people to be strong, to be independent, to not care of what others think of then, but I'm just being a hypocrite," She spoke truthfully, allowing Andrea to truly see the real her.

"At first I wanted revenge, to see him suffer the way I did, but I was just steeping as low as he did to me, I want to stop this I really do."

"People tell me, he deserves it, that he did much worse, but I still refuse to think like that, because I am just as much of a monster as he was, I don't deserve anything at this point Andrea."

"I'm not a heroine, or a protagonist in a movie with a redemption arc, I'm a human, who most likely deserves whatever pain the world gives her."

"Is it bad for me to hate myself?"

Andrea sighed.

"As a mother figure to you, Eleanor, you need a break, I'm sorry I brought you here, but once this is over, please be happy."

Then the doorbell rang and Eleanor smiled.

Andrea stood up and went to open the door.

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