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Eleanor was sent a dinner invitation for the whole cast at 6 pm, hosted of course by Jacob, to celebrate their first day of filming.

Jacob needed the cast to be like a family, and with the tension between Andrew and Eleanor, it was gonna take some time.

He needed chemistry between each character and wanted his movie to be outstanding.

Eleanor agreed to come of course, she had nothing to do anyways.

Andrew agreed as well.

After hearing their responses, Jacob might have started to regret it.

* * *

The main cast have all started to arrive at Jacobs mansion, well apart from Eleanor.

Andrew was on his phone, bored as usual.

Eleanor was sitting inside her car, frustrated from the honking cars.

"Stupid traffic."

She wore a dark red dress that was tight in the hip and flowy in the skirt and adding a small leather jacket.

Not wanting to impress anyone, she really didn't care about her appearance as much as others.

In a few minutes she finally arrived.

Her wavy brown hair blew in the wind as she nervously knocked on the door.

"El you came!" Audrey shouted smiling,

Eleanor sort of became an older sister and a mentor to Audrey.

Audrey was only a year younger than Eleanor but was still very new to acting.

"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?"

"It's just that, he's her-"

"The dinners starting, you guys gotta hurry up!" Jacob shouted from the kitchen, interrupting Audrey.

Eleanor raised a brow and Audrey shook her head sighing .

"It's nothing, let's go," Audrey led Eleanor to the dining room.

There was a large amount of food and Eleanor wondered how the hell could they finish it.

Andrew met eyes with Eleanor and she continued to avoid his stare.

Eleanor sat opposite sides with Andrew and she just remained silent.

Jacob stood up with a wine glass in his left hand and beamed happily.

"Thank you guys so much for coming and hopefully this dinner will bring us closer to one another."

"Let us feast!'

Eleanor grabbed some food on her plate and started to devour them.

She had a large appetite and was extremely hungry.

People laughed and said some jokes, Audrey and Nate, the actor for Gale's best friend awkwardly stared at each other.

"Can we talk?" Andrew spoke, looking to Eleanor.


Andrew sighed, "Alone."

Eleanor excused her self and followed Andrew to the living room.

She knew she had to stop running away from her past so she actually needed to talk to him.

Andrew nervously played with his fingers, he needed answers for his questions but he didn't know how to ask.

Exhaling,he chose to be straight forward.

"Why did you do it?" Andrew spoke, referring to the time Eleanor gave Jeremy his personal information.

"I didn't do it."


Eleanor angrily puffed, crossing her arms.

"If I had given him your info, wouldn't you think he has already done something?"

Andrew stared.

"There's images."

"How do you know it isn't photoshopped?" Eleanor cleverly smirked.

"You still betrayed my trust!"

She almost screamed.

"How!? How did I break your trust? You were the one that cheated!" She shouted.

"I wouldn't have cheated if you blocked me out! I was hurting too!" Andrew said desperately.

"You were selfish and kept me in the dark! I cheated to help!"

"So now it's my fault you cheated! Andrew I knew you were hurting, I knew I was blocking you out, but I tried to make our marriage work afterwards, but you cheated. I tried so hard Andrew!" Eleanor was now on the edge of tears.

"You didn't try hard enough." He muttered.

"I did. I did try hard enough, I tried and changed myself. You were the one to give up, you were the one that didn't try and you were the one broke me!"

"Andrew. You were supposed to to be the love of my life, you were supposed to nurture me when I was depressed. Even when I knew you cheated, I never stopped loving you,
I loved you so much and you didn't even care." She cried.

"So if this is all my fault, then so be it. You've broken me enough and I plan to make sure you know what it feels like."

Eleanor turned around to notice everyone was staring at them.

She quietly apologised to Jacob and ran out the door.

Eleanor hated this, she regret it all.

She hated being a victim, she hated being vulnerable.

And now everyone saw.

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