holy heck

10.3K 186 12

not an update (thats tomorrow) but oh my god.

endless just hit 1k likes and 3k views.

im so freaking shocked right and grateful for literally everyone who clicked on my pathetic book and liked it.

yall are actually amazing and thank you so much.

i never thought this book would make it like this.

I didn't even write the first chapters, that was my friend Elizabeth (who left) who was just mucking around and forgot about it.

When this was passed onto me I panicked and literally was this close to unpublishing everything.

Then it hit 1 thousand views and I realised I can't afford to lose this book, you guys loved it so I didn't.

I can't be even more grateful for you guys.

I'm not too proud of this since it's really cheesy and cliche but I'm really glad people out there do.

Thank you so so much and I need to sleep!1!!11!1!1!11!

endless - discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now