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"Hey Andrea," Eleanor smiled warmly.

Eleanor always loved Andrea, she always treated Eleanor like her own, even when Eleanor was hated by her own parents.

Andrew walked away and quickly walked to Rebecca's room.

"Don't be silly, you know to call me mom," Andrea hugged Eleanor.

"It's been a while, you look so pretty and I heard your ballet career skyrocketed!" She congratulated Eleanor as she led her to the kitchen.

"Thanks," Eleanor said nervously.

"Did you pack?"

She nodded and raised her bags.

"Uh I'm hoping I brought enough for the weekend," Eleanor muttered.

"You always have your old clothes here anyways."

"Those were from years ago, I can't believe you remember!"

"You technically used to live here, how could I forget."

"Coffee?" Andrea offered.

"No thanks, already drank some on my way here," She declined.

"Anyways, for the reason I'm here, is there anyone else here, for secrecy?"

"Oh uh yeah Reb-"

"Eleanor? What are you doing here?" Rebecca smiled, gritting her teeth.

"Andrea called me over for something."

Rebecca brought her into a hug and Eleanor awkwardly backed out..

"I hope you don't mind, but I'm wearing your old clothes."

"No problem, I already packed my own," She referred to the duffel bag.

"Anyways, Andrew and I are just gonna go out to meet up with our wedding tomorrow planner," She smiled and walked off to her room as she waited for Andrew to get ready.

"She's staying here?" Eleanor asked.

"Yeah, I suppose she is," Andrea sighed.

"Don't worry they'll leave soon, we can discuss the matter later," She continued.

"I'm gonna go to my room and unpack," Eleanor yawned.

Andrea nodded, "I hope you remember where it is."

"Of course I do."

Eleanor walked to the hallway and stared at the walls.

She noticed how everything was the same.

She remember the memories she had in this house.

Eleanor sighed and walked past Andrews room, remembering everything.

She opened the door to her room and grinned.

Everything was the same.

She opened the closet and noticed everything was a mess.

Eleanor noticed how all the clothes were on the closet floor, she assumed since they had been hanging for years , they must've fallen or something.

She sat on her bed and unzipped her bag.

Eleanor removed a box and opened it.

She made sure no one knew any of the information in it, it had all the research she and her own Private Investigator did and all the possible solutions to fix the controversy .

Eleanor looked underneath the rug underneath her bed, which had a secret hole that had a latch, which of course was locked.

She remembered the code to the lock and opened the latch.

She dusted it off and noticed how it had so many old memories.

Grabbing the box, Eleanor placed it inside and locked it once more.

Eleanor stretched and began unpacking.

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