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Laura unwillingly unwrapped her arms around Sarah and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, Laura looked deeply into Sarah's eyes. They had not talked to each other, they also did not revel themselves by kissing each other. They simply sat on the bathroom floor, hugging each other tightly. Laura was afraid that if she unwrapped her arms around her friend and parted from their warm hug, she would lose her best friend. It was the very first time when Laura had to deal with someone who was willing to end their life. It tore her apart when she saw the sharpness of the blade on that knife that Sarah held in hand, with such determination. Laura and her friends were always happy and even though they had their downs in their lives, nothing drove them to be so grave and to have such a negative outlook about life. So, when life threw such a predicament in front of her very eyes where her best friend was ready to harm herself, Laura had forgotten how to breathe. 

As the brunette stared back into Laura's gorgeous green eyes, Sarah felt a wrenching pain in her heart. The tears that had refused to cease from Laura's eyes broke Sarah and her spirit. Laura had never been the soft one in their group. The love she had for her friends and the way she showed her love towards her best friends showed how sweet and soft Laura could be but whenever life threw a curve ball at her, she always dodged it with utter calmness and maturity. But that night, Sarah saw something so foreign in Laura's eyes. Fear. Laura was afraid, not for herself, but for her friend- Sarah. Sarah closed her eyes, not able to believe at herself that she tried to kill herself. People are born alone and they die alone and Rachel had left the earth alone, but that did not mean that Sarah had to take her own life as well. But Sarah's torment was understandable. It hurt her too much to breathe, to much to go on living her life while her baby sister was ripped away from her and her family so soon. My Family, Sarah's eyes snapped open and Laura had a quirk between her brows. I have to inform my family about Rachel's death, Sarah thought to herself as she sniffled back a sob. Sarah leaned forward and connected her forehead against Laura's collar bone. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Laura's voice was soft. Her hands moved soothingly up and down Sarah's back. 

"Besides everything?" Sarah looked up at her friend and asked. Still has her sense of humor, Laura thought to herself but she bit her tongue. Laura let out a soft chuckle before nodding at her friend's question. 

"I have to tell my parents about. . .about. . ." Sarah couldn't finish and Laura didn't let her either. She simply took Sarah in her arms and hugged her tightly. No matter what she did, Laura knew that she could never make Sarah feel better about something so appalling. Laura didn't say anything to her friend, she simply hugged her closer to her heart while her right hand moved up and down Sarah's hair, hoping to provide her some sort of comfort. Sarah pulled herself away from Laura and took a deep breath. And Laura knew that her best friend had worn a mask. A mask that would hide away her worries and her pain. A mask that would hide her true self, her true devastated self. 

"I have to tell my parents about Rachel's death." Sarah finished her sentence with a nod. Even though her eyes pricked with tears, her face remained stoic. Laura knew that she was trying to bury her feelings and pain deep deep down in her heart, but the raven-haired was not sure if that was ideal. Laura stood up when she saw her friend get out of Laura's warm lap and stand up on her feet. Laura walked out of the bathroom and stood at the door-frame, looking at Sarah who hunched down over the wash-basin and splashed some cold water against her face, numbing her face. But Sarah did not care. 

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