Awfully Difficult!

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It was six o'clock in the morning and despite the quiet and peaceful environment in Laura's house, there was chaos swirling in each of the resident's minds who had tried to close their eyes, in the hope to get some sleep albeit the circumstances, but they were left behind with minds full of memories of Cate that they had never heard or been a part of before. Even as they laid next to each other, Laura did not mind that her girlfriend had her back to her as the raven-haired herself was lost in a world of her own, just like the blonde was. Taylor and Laura had found themselves spending their night either lying on the bed like corpses or tossing and turning as no position seemed to satiate their comfort. And they both were aware of one another's sleeplessness but they neither tried to seek comfort by wanting to hold each other, nor did they attempted to talk. They just laid next to each other, in the bed, in the dark. Not making eye contact. 

Laura got up from the bed at around five-thirty and spend a good twenty minutes into the bathroom. At first, she simply sat on the toilet, not moving and then, she found herself back on her feet, staring into the mirror for a solid fifteen minutes. As the raven-haired stared at her reflection, she did not care the puffiness of her eyes, the bags that hung under her eyes and the extra redness of her skin due to crying so much. No, her physical appearance did not scare her or bother her one bit but she was terrified of the look on her face and the emotions that swam in her eyes. Her heart broke as she saw herself getting weaker and helpless as she could not seem to help her friends or herself. And she was petrified of the thoughts that kept torturing her rather eased mind. She was especially frightened of the thoughts that kept tempting her to cross the line, take everything in her hands and be the person she never wished to be. She was afraid she might turn into someone worse than C. 

As the clock struck six, Laura found herself walk out of her bedroom but not before she bent down and gave a soft kiss on Taylor's forehead and the blonde did not even try to conceal that she wasn't sleeping. Laura knew that no one in that house was asleep but she was proven wrong when she came out to the living room to find Rachel on the carpet of the floor, sleeping like a lazy cat. Before Laura could indulge herself with her darker side, she took a deep breath to calm herself down and kept walking further into the house, instead of going outside to the lawn. She turned around to look back towards the living room, eyeing Rachel but she was completely out of the world. 'Well, doing bad things can wear anybody out'. Laura thought to herself. Noiselessly, she made her way through a hallway that was downstairs and since she had to pass by the guest room, she tried not to make any noise. Successful at tip-toeing through the hallway to reach where she intended, she punched in a pass-code after her eyes and thumb were screened and the door opened smoothly, and no soul was disturbed. 

Laura had showed her friends all the rooms when they had come to stay there except for this one. Well, they knew about a hidden room but they had not seen it yet as Laura asked them to be patient. This one hid inside another normal room, where they had hung out before, behind a wall. Laura wanted to tell them about this room to her friends, and she will but she wanted to take some time to prepare herself before she told them. However, she did not anticipate that that time would have to be so soon. Taking out a long and tired sigh, she snapped her fingers emitting a loud pop and soft lights filled the room. As the raven-haired stood in the middle of the room, her eyes scanned the entire room and the objects that adorned the room. She had everything in that room starting from a bow and arrow to rifles to grenades, along with other sharp weapons. Laura could feel a rush of power getting mixed with a sudden rush of anger within her body. Her eyes had turned into a dark shade of green as her eyes appraised each of the "props" that the room so nicely store. 

Walking from her spot to a beautiful wooden closet, she slid them open and took out her boxing gloves. Laura had always been interested into boxing and wrestling and riding motorcycles. She used to joke about her lifestyle to be misunderstood as her being gay. At that time, she would only laugh it off and even though she was now in a relationship with Taylor, she never liked using labels about her sexuality. It was not about my sexual identity, Laura would always comment whenever someone asked her if she had to identify herself as straight or gay or bi, it was about my heart. After all, the heart wants the heart wants, right? And she would finish off with a chuckle that would light up her entire face. Laura tied her hair up in to a high ponytail before she slipped her long hands into the gloves and strapped them tightly around her wrists. She walked towards the punching speed bag that hung to the corner of the room. Standing right in front of the bag, Laura began to, first, warm up her body by doing feet work and once she felt her body generating heat, Laura began to assume a fighter stand and hit the bag with her one arm in the beginning. As soon as she got the hang of it, she was hitting the bag with a rhythm and passion. 

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