Author's Note.

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Hello, everyone! 

It's a pleasure to announce that I am nearing to the end of this book. This was a book that was unlike any I have ever written. While it's a book sprung out of my own imagination, I wouldn't be ashamed to admit that the book was influenced by the incredible show, "Pretty Little Liars." 

While my last three books were based specifically on the relationship between Laura and Taylor, depicting how wonderful it would have been if Laylor was in fact real, "Secrets" is a book that gave me a chance to mix things up, to explore new things and delve into my deepest of imaginations and desires. 

I hope you had a lovely time with this book reading as much as I did writing. While it saddens me to bring this book to an end, I know that the time has come. 

Lots of Love, 


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