Wrong Person.

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The next morning, everyone ate their breakfast silently as they all were lost in their own thoughts. Laura took a bite of her boiled egg as her mind went back to last night when C sent a basket of used condoms, addressing it to Sarah. And then that horrible letter where C basically insulted Sarah's father. Laura bawled her fist as anger began to flare up inside of her towards this C person for not only ruining their lives but also involving parents. She couldn't imagine what Sarah must be feeling because if C had sent something about Laura's mother or her siblings, Laura would have lost it.

Taylor gulped down the orange juice in one swig. Taylor usually was the most angriest person among the three of them and even though Laura seemed like the angriest one, Taylor's anger was very different. She would keep her anger bottled up until someone had crossed three strikes, and after the third strike, she will burst and they way she burst was not pretty. Taylor glanced at Sarah and then at Lily and Laura. They were all so worried and upset just like Taylor. When Taylor had first seen them in that creepy villa, she thought that even though they were brought together because of their crime, they still were together. And when she had confessed her feelings to Laura, she wanted to make Laura happy despite of all these chaos. But happiness had become a privilege that no one could afford at the moment. Every time Taylor closed her eyes, at times, she was back in the hospital as a patient while the other times, pacing in the hallway like a maniac, waiting anxiously for any news about Lily. And then she would be thrown back to last night when Sarah was humiliated in front of her friends about something so personal. Taylor never hated anyone in her life before, but the hatred she was feeling for this C person almost made her want to kill her.

While eating their breakfast, Lily had held Sarah's hand under the table. Lily knew that Sarah was wanting to be left alone and not to be pitied, and even though her friends never pitied either of them, Lily also knew that no matter how much Sarah craved to be alone, she craved the be with the people who love so much, more. Lily kept making small circles on Sarah's knuckles, hoping to provide some sort of comfort to Sarah after the letter she had read last night. Lily and the others had accepted the fact that they were dealing with some lunatic who was capable of doing anything, including killing an unborn child and Lily had thought that it would be the only devilish thing that the C person would do but Lily and the others were knocked out of their breaths when C sent such a rude and personal letter to Sarah, insulting her father in front of everyone. Lily slightly glanced at Sarah and her heart dropped in her stomach when she saw the love of her life so upset, so worried. Lily usually was a very fun-loving and pleasant to be with girl, but C had successfully brought out the darker side of all of them, including Lily's. And if situation would require, she vowed to herself to even kill C to protect her friends and her family.

Sarah simply stared at the plate in front of her as she kept pushing her food around. Sarah hadn't eaten anything since last night. She thought back to last month when everyone was so blissfully happy as they were not being mentally or emotionally tortured by C. And the moment Sarah's lover came to the house and they decided to celebrate her return, C decided to strike so badly. Sarah looked up and her eyes looked at her friends, her heart wrenching with pain as she gazed upon her worried friends who were trying to be strong and thinking of ways to fight back with this horrible person going by the initial of C. Sarah must have not shown it but she was grateful for the fact that she had friends who were with her even after such an embarrassing last night, and that they didn't judge Sarah or her father. She also appreciated Lily for holding her hand, trying to give comfort even when Lily had herself gone through enough.

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