Last Secret.

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The day started with Laura sitting up in her bed with a jolt. As she opened her eyes and looked down at her body, she realized that she was soaking with sweats. When she turned around to look at her girlfriend, she found out that Taylor was not sleeping next to her. Frowning her brows together in confusion, Laura reached for her iPhone from her bedside chest of drawers and looked at the time. She was up at the usual time and yet Taylor had woken up before Laura and was not even in the room. The search inside the bathroom was nugatory. After she quickly brushed her teeth and splashed some cold water against her face, Laura climbed down the stairs and found Taylor sitting on the floor, wearing only a sports bra and shorts. Amused by her girlfriend's choice of clothes, Laura approached her girlfriend and sitting next to her on the floor, but on the carpeted area and not on the tiles, Laura let out a soft smile towards Taylor. 

"Are we trying on something new here, Tay?" Laura's smile turned into a smirk. "Because if you're going for this style, I am very much pleased." 

Despite of herself, Taylor laughed warming her girlfriend's heart. Then, she looked at Laura and knitted her brows together, checking her from head to toe. "What?" Laura asked, suddenly being self-conscious. 

"Are you not feeling hot?" Taylor asked with surprise lingering in her eyes. "Something happened to your air conditioning vent because your house is like a sauna and the hot weather outside is definitely not helping!" Taylor said, before dabbing her chest as sweat trickled down through the valley. 

And as soon as Taylor asked Laura if she wasn't hot, Laura was hit by an intense wave of heat across her face and realization dawned on her face that the reason she woke up, all sweaty and hot, was not because she had a nightmare but because her room was too hot. Taylor laughed when she saw her girlfriend fidgeting, finally acknowledging the heat that had been making her all uncomfortable. Taylor cheered and applauded when Laura too flung her top over her head and across the floor. But she had to reach for her blouse back when she felt a sudden whiff of air against her bare chest, realizing that she hadn't worn any thing underneath. Color rising to her cheeks, she slipped back into the blouse; all the while, Taylor was laughing at Laura while the raven-haired rolled her eyes at her girlfriend. 

Laura got up on her feet and looking at her girlfriend, she parted her lips. "I will call someone immediately. Would you mind putting a shirt on?" Laura said, her voice monotonous. 

"I thought you liked it." Taylor said, standing up in front of her girlfriend. 

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