She Never Asked.

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As Laura slowly turned to face the opposite side on the bed, Sarah took the opportunity to get out of the bed without disturbing her best friend. Walking noiselessly, Sarah made her way towards the washroom and splashed some warm water against her face. While the brunette brushed her teeth, her mind went back to last night when Laura read to her. They were only able to cover two chapters as Sarah stopped Laura in mid way when she saw Laura slurring her words, as the raven-haired kept dozing off. Laura would jerk up every time her friend nudged her and the raven-haired would shake her head and blink her eyes, with the hope to shake off the drowsiness looming over her eyes, and she would start reading the same sentence again. At first, Sarah found it amusing and sweet how Laura tried to stay awake, only to read to her. But the brunette soon took away Laura's book from her hands and keeping it aside, she invited Laura to fall asleep, together, in each other's arms. 

When Sarah came back up from spitting the extra foam in her mouth, she let out a loud shriek as Laura stood behind her with all her hair in front of her face and surprising her friend with a boo. Laura laughed out loud, as she was successful at scaring her friend, and flipped back the hair out of her face. Even though the brunette was scared and her hand went flying to her heart, her eyes could not help but admire how beautiful Laura looked, even with bed hair. "Morning, Sarah." Laura let out a soft chuckle and giving a small peck on Sarah's cheek, she began with her morning rituals. While Sarah allowed Laura to take shower first, she sat on the bed and switched on the TV. While she was flipping through different channels on the television, Sarah's brown eyes caught something and it piqued her interest. An edge of a book was jutting out of Laura's leather backpack. And Sarah's fingers began to twitch, as curiosity run through her body. 

At first, the brunette thought that it was another novel that Laura had brought it with her because Sarah had herself seen Laura pack a dozen of books, in case Mauritius had no bookstore. But as Sarah tip-toed near Laura's bag, she saw that the book was leather bounded and it looked more like a journal than a novel. When Sarah dared to take the book out of the bag, she saw a date printed on top of the book: 2018. Sarah was dying to open the book and see what was inside it and what was so important about the journal that Laura had to bring it on their trip. But Sarah didn't cross that line; Sarah had already crossed many boundaries when it came to Laura and being friends with her. And she was not going to impose on Laura's private thoughts and feelings as well. So, leaving the book into the bag as it was, she plopped herself down on the bed and it was good that she did not open up the journal because after a few minutes, Laura came out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her wet body. 

Sarah acted nonchalant like she did not just try to look into Laura's personal journal. But Sarah was forced to pry her eyes away from the television and look at Laura. And when she did, her eyes widened involuntarily while her jaw touched the bed. But before Laura could notice her friend gawking at her, Sarah controlled herself and her rushing emotions as she shut her mouth, but her eyes didn't leave Laura and her body. "You can stop staring now." Laura said, chuckling. Sarah's cheek burned, embarrassed from being caught staring but her eyes were shameless as they lingered. 

"I can't seem to stop." Sarah said, her voice low and sensual. Laura looked up and at her friend. Their eyes met and they recognized the emotion that danced in their eyes: desire. But they could not give into temptation, not anymore. Laura simply let out a nervous chuckle as she averted her eyes from her best friend. 

"Okay, perv." Laura started as she went near her closet. "Go and take a bath. I am starving and I would like to have breakfast together." 

Sarah pushed herself out of the bed and sighing, she narrowed her eyes at her friend. "What do you want for breakfast, my love?" Laura asked, as she looked for clothes to wear for the day. As Laura didn't hear a peep from Sarah, she turned around to look at her friend and her breath was caught in her chest when she found Sarah standing too close to her. 

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