Oh, One More Thing!

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For him, the day started with warm rays of the sun kissing his cheek. Stirring a little in the bed, he didn't get up at once. He snuggled deeper into the duvet cover, hiding his face away from the sunlight. Before he knew it, sleep had taken over him one more time. A peaceful slumber with a smile plastered on his face. However, he was absurdly disturbed from his sleep when he heard continuous pounding against his bedroom door. At first, he ignored he, yelling at the person to go away but he soon realized that he couldn't afford to be lazy. Not anymore, not since he decided to be a killer. 

Pulling the covers from his face, he let out a tired sigh and sitting on the bed, taking his sweet time, he slapped him cheeks a few times before he was relatively awake. Getting up from the bed, he stretched his arms and legs before he approached the door. Opening the door, he was almost tackled down by one of his minions as the person was stuck to the door, knocking crazily. "I am so sorry C to disturb you, but its an emergency." He looked at his minion, as his eyes darkened. His minion, called as C5, was a tall man with dark skin and round eyes. With a strong voice and commanding posture, he could pass for a soldier. 

C pinched the bridge of his nose as he couldn't believe that there was an emergency so early that morning. Running a hand through his messy hair, he took a deep breath. "What's the emergency?" His voice was deep, remnants of sleep evident. C5 hesitated even though he knew that C didn't like his minions to be hesitant of anything; C made sure that his minions' voices were heard, even if sometimes those voices could get them killed. As C got impatient for C5's answer, who also had the nerve to directly come to C and pound like a maniac on his door, C5 finally spoke up. 

"It's something you have to see." And with that C5 began to walk away, leaving a perturbed C behind. 

The people who worked for C had their voices and opinions and while C would hear their opinions and even suggestions, they were still terrified of C. They knew how ruthless C could be and how little regard he had for human life. At least from what they had seen or heard him do, they knew that acting up in front of C or against him was out of the option. While they knew that Sam and Rachel were his loyal followers and even friends, they almost rejoiced and saluted Rachel when she broke me from C and his deadly clutches. However, their hearts dropped in their stomachs the moment they heard about Rachel's death. 

Yes, C's minions were good people with a human heart unlike their boss. And yet they could not help but be a part of C's master plan. C had all the dirt on his minions and while C knew that their minions despised their job, he also knew that they were loyal to him. Because being disloyal and treacherous meant getting killed in worst ways imaginable. So, when C5 delivered the news and walked away, hoping that C would follow suit, it baffled C. But he tried to keep his bewilderment and anger aside and decided to follow C5.

They reached the living room and C was met with an army of minions, with their hands clasped in front of them and their heads hung down. C's brows knitted together in confusion. "What, did someone die?" C let out a nervous chuckle but he didn't get any responses. "What the hell is going on!?" C roared out loud and that was when his minions moved a little, creating a path for C. But C remained standing in his place, his eyes widened with horror and sadness while he was unable to breathe. While C bent over, doubling, his minions could help but be filled with glee to finally see C breaking, ever so slowly. No one dared to approach C and comfort him for he didn't like to be touched. 

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