What's Wrong?

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Laura slowly got out of the bed, and while Sarah had ordered her not to move around a lot or to put too much pressure on her wounds, Laura was stubborn, and made her way towards the front door. Laura noiselessly shut the door behind her and padded towards her best friend. Sarah let out a slight gasp of surprise as she felt the warm arms around her waist. Sarah smiled to herself as she sank into Laura. They stood like that for a moment, staring at the water that stretched out so beautifully in front of them. Laura leaned forward as she gently rested her chin over Sarah's shoulder, nuzzling her nose into her hair. The brunette giggled as she felt ticklish. Taking a deep breath, Sarah turned around and tipping on her toes, she circled her arms around Laura's neck. 

"You shouldn't be putting too much pressure on your feet." 

Sarah's hot breath fanned against Laura's neck as the brunette leaned forward and rested her forehead against Laura's chin. Laura didn't say anything to Sarah's concerned words; the raven-haired simply wrapped her arms tighter around Sarah as she could not express how glad she was to be holding Sarah in her arms, again. It had been only a couple of days where they both were separated from each other, albeit being so close to one another. But the suffering and longing that came with ignoring Sarah and to not being able to hold her closer to Laura's beating heart, it was simply unbearable. 

Laura held Sarah's shoulders and slightly pulled her back so that the raven-haired could stare into Sarah's brown hues and get lost in them. As Sarah stared back into Laura's eyes, she couldn't bring herself to believe the love Laura had for her. Sarah had always known the love and care Laura carried in her heart for her friends and for people she were in relationships with. Sarah knew that Laura felt deeply for the people she loved, and for her trust and love were the most important traits to share with another human being. But after reading Laura's journal, after Sarah delved into Laura's most personal, vulnerable feelings, Sarah still came off as utterly surprised for the unconditional love Laura harbored in her heart for Sarah. 

"I am glad that we're not fighting anymore." Sarah remarked, her voice soft while her eyes reflected different emotions swimming in them. 

Laura's lips tugged upward into a small but soft smile, melting Sarah's heart further. While one of her hands snaked around Sarah's petite waist, the other reached forward as her fingertips caressed ever so gently across Sarah's cheek. Sarah's breath had left her body as tears were threatening to fall. But Laura's gestures never wavered, they remained as soft as they could be. Tucking a stray hair behind Sarah's ear, Laura let out a smile that reached her eyes before the raven-haired leaned in and bridged the gap between their lips. While the kiss was slow and gentle, it's intensity left a longing behind for the brunette. "Me too, my love." Laura slowly pulled herself completely away from her best friend and taking Sarah's hand in hers, she slowly trotted her way back inside. Sarah winced every time Laura wobbled her way; the brunette knew that Laura was too strong to express the physical pain she was going through but that was also one of the traits that arrested Sarah. 

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