A Fruitful Visit.

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Warning: Even though I haven't gone into too much detail while writing about sexual assault. The mere mention or small descriptions of it could be a trigger. So, if it's a trigger for anyone and you're uncomfortable with it, please skip it. Thank you.


Rachel was sitting next to some of her closest friends and her face brightened up when she saw her girlfriend walking towards her carrying two glasses filled to their brim with alcohol before she hit the dance floor. While Rachel sat back and watched her girlfriend danced like she had no care in the world, she gulped down the drink that her girlfriend had handed over to her. Her girlfriend, Amber, turned around and through her index finger, she signaled Rachel to come over and join her on the dance floor. Rachel let out a smirk as she stood up on her feet and made her way towards her girlfriend. Rachel closed in on Amber, and placing her hands on Amber's waist, Rachel brought her lovely girlfriend closer to her as they began to sway to the music. Amber closed her eyes when Rachel rested her forehead against her girlfriend's. 

"I love you so much, babe." Amber replied, her voice filled with emotions. "You mean the world to me." 

When Rachel pulled back to look at Amber, she found herself squinting her eyes as she saw things getting blurry. Amber's face was not clear anymore and there was a cloud of heaviness looming over in her head. Rachel felt dizzy as she almost collapsed into her girlfriend's arms. Amber and Rachel both fell on the ground as Rachel's limp body fell against her girlfriend's. The sound of the sudden thud caused the crowd to stop dancing and to look over at the two girls on the floor. Amber patted Rachel's cheeks, trying to call her girlfriend out but Rachel was getting in and out of consciousness. As Rachel saw blurry images of her girlfriend, Rachel's heart twisted in pain. What did you do, Amber? Rachel felt betrayed as she knew that there was something in the drink that was making her feel so nauseous. 

When they heard them, Rachel's friends rushed towards them and kneeling down, they got hold of Rachel's arms and legs and carried her inside the lounge that had a private room. Laying Rachel down on a twin bed, Amber sat next to her girlfriend on the bed. Rachel's eyes were cold, as she fell into a slumber. But she could hear everything, feel and sense everything. Rachel's friends convinced Amber to clam down as they led her outside the bedroom so that Amber and the others could give Rachel some time to rest. "She has probably drunk too much. Don't worry, she will be fine." A voice had made a point and nodding, everyone shuffled out of the room except for the owner of that voice. But no one noticed that someone stayed inside the room, with Rachel, while she was lying on the bed unconscious. No one. That person was like a ghost. 

Rachel moved her head a little, side to side, as she began to groan a little. When she peeped out of her barely opened her eyes, she saw a figure standing at the foot of the bed, looking at her. But Rachel was not fully conscious to make out the face. And she felt another nauseating feeling rush through her body and hit her until she closed her eyes, tightly shut. But when she opened her eyes again, she saw a tall person between her legs. Rachel was getting uncomfortable and utterly confused. So, she tried to move but she couldn't as she her ankles and wrists were tightly bounded by the bed posts. Every time she tried to move, she let a curse out as the pain rushed within her body. But she had no idea the pain that awaited for her. 

When Rachel focused her eyes at the face of the stranger kneeling between her legs, Rachel fell back on the bed with surprise. Her eyes were staring back at Cate, Sarah's good friend. "Cate, is that you? What are you doing?" Rachel's questions went unanswered and a shill ran down her spine when the person in front of her simply remained quiet, but their actions didn't. Rachel's legs hurt as they were tied far apart from each other to the bed. Rachel knew what was happening and she could not believe it. She was about to give out a loud cry for help, but as if reading her mind, Cate put her hand on Rachel's mouth, muffling her cries. But it was only the beginning something completely horrible. 

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