It's You!

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The next morning Lily and Sarah sat across each other, outside at the lawn, sipping coffee and enjoying the breeze against their faces. Laura had made all of them breakfast and even though Taylor insisted that Laura should invite them inside so that all four of them could have their breakfast together, Laura told her that Sarah had something to tell to Lily whereas Laura herself had certain things to tell to Taylor. Taylor simply nodded, a tad bit worried about the way in which Laura and Sarah looked so serious. Laura took two dishes filled with pancakes, eggs and bacon along with juice and served them outside for her friends to enjoy their breakfast outside. 

Before Laura made her way back inside the house, she leaned down and whispered in Sarah's ears, "Good Luck, love." Sarah smiled at Laura and before Laura could withdraw herself, Sarah brought her friend towards her and gave a grateful kiss on Laura's cheek. "And to you too!" 

"What was that about?" Lily asked Sarah when Laura entered into the house, giving a small smile at Taylor. 

Sarah looked into Lily's eyes and taking a deep breath, she spoke up. "Lily, I have something to tell you." 

When Lily nodded her head towards Sarah, the brunette began to tell the same story about Lily's Sam she told last night to Laura. Lily was listening to Sarah with undivided attention. Lily furrowed her brows when Sarah got to the part where she found Sam snooping around in Lily's trailer. After Sarah came to the end of her narrative, she looked intently into Lily's eyes, waiting for her to say something. 

"Why are you telling me all these now?" Lily's voice was calm. "And why didn't you tell me about Sam the moment you had found out that he was snooping around in my trailer?" Sarah could hear a hint of anger in Lily's voice. 

"I don't know." Sarah said, honestly. "When he had stopped visiting you on the sets, I thought he was gone for good and I had never seen you with him either off set so I thought you two had a fall out or something. I am sorry, there's no justification for me not telling you earlier." Sarah took a deep breath. "I got a text from a blocked number last night, and so did Laura. Last night, I had something very important to tell you but when the text came and I read the contents of the message, I knew that it was time to come clean before I did anything." 

Lily saw the sincerity in Sarah's eyes and her face softened. "What text? Is it okay if I see it?" 

Sarah nodded and she gave her phone to Lily. When Lily read the text, comprehension engulfed her heart. "So, do you think he is dangerous?" Lily asked. 

"I want to think that he is nothing but the same gallantry man I had met. But he got back with you the moment our group disintegrated." Lily nodded, knowing that Sarah had a point. 

"Are you mad at me for keeping this away from you?" Sarah asked, hanging her head low, ashamed. "You have every right to be mad at me. But we hadn't talked in five years and you seemed so happy with Sam that I didn't have the heart to break such a news to you." 

"Well, since you had been honest with me, I won't lie to you either." Lily said, raising Sarah's face up so that the brown eyes could meet the light browns of Lily's eyes. "Yes, I am a little mad at you for not letting me know but mostly because you decided to tell me only after a text threatened you!" 

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