What The Hell?!

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As they looked at the unknown woman lying in front of them, they were all lost in their own thoughts. Katherine stirred a little and glanced up at the girls and her heart began to beat painfully against her chest as she saw sadness looming over their faces. Maya slipped her hand into Katherine's and gave a small squeeze. Katherine turned around to face her friend and gave her a small nod, thanking her for being her friend. For being such a great friend to her. When Katherine had begun her job, she was very determined and hard-headed. She would not talk to anyone, maintaining a great distance from everyone and only focusing on getting things done. But she never had any attitude to her which was a reason that even though she seemed like a real stone-cold bitch, her ward work and dedication to fight for good always attracted people towards her. And when she had begun, she hadn't had friends at work, or in her life. But when Maya came in to her life, she was blessed with a best friend. 

Before Sarah could throw up or walk out of the morgue, they were stunned when Taylor abruptly turned around and stormed out. The three of them along with Katherine and Maya exchanged glances of worry between each other before Laura decided to wake up from her shock. Taking a deep breath, she followed her girlfriend to the outside of the building where she found Taylor who, was sitting in the back seat of the car, hunched over. Laura wanted to open the door and take Taylor into her arms, but she also did not want to invade just yet. Everyone was terribly shocked and upset about the whole thing. They had yet to digest the fact that Rachel could have been a part of C and then because of that, she got killed. They hadn't got time to accept or process any of those information before another one was thrown at them. That Rachel was not dead, but an innocent was. Laura found herself closing her eyes as she leaned her head back against the car. 

What the hell did we do to deserve all these? Laura found herself thinking. Laura and her friends had tortured themselves more than enough about what had happened to Cate the first time: that they were not able to save their friend, something that she was clearly running away from; that they were never able to really make Cate open up to them about her worries, or even her musings; that they had to save their asses after they thought that Cate was dead and how they had buried their friend alive. Yes, they had many things to think about and to be sorry about and they had. They had constantly thought about these things in their lives. After they buried their friend the first time, those four friends who were inseparable, parted their ways from each other because they were eaten away with guilt and sorrow. And the lives they led apart from each other was no picnic at all, they were dying a slow death every single day. However, even after they reunited, they never had a chance to be happy again with each other because C made sure that their life was being controlled and destroyed by C and that a mere hope of happiness should be crushed. 

Taylor raised her face from between her hands and looking out of the window, she saw her girlfriend was outside the car, leaning her head against the car. Taylor's eyes softened at her girlfriend and how thoughtful Laura was. But her heart ached to see Laura equally distraught as the others. But Taylor could not even bring herself to imagine what Sarah must be feeling right then, what she must be going through. Wiping her tears away, Taylor took in a breath and rolled down the window. 

"Hey." Taylor's voice was very soft. 

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